This text is taken from ‘The Years with Mother' by Augustus J.C. Hare, an abridgement of the three- vol. ‘Story of my Life' published by Allen & Unwin, London 1952 p.14-15:0


"Augustus moved from the Rectory to Lime ‘our own dear home for the next five and twenty years. The old white gabled house with clustered chimneys and roofs rich in colour rose in a brilliant flower garden sheltered on every side by trees and separated in each direction by several fields from the high road or the lanes. On the side towards the Rectory, a drive between close walls of laurel led to the old- fashioned porch ... the drawing room and dining room looked across the lawn and one of the great glittering pools which belonged to an old monastery (once on the site of the house) and which lay at the foot of a very steep bank carpeted with primroses in spring. Beyond the pool was our high field over which the stumpy spire of the church could be seen at a bout a half a mile distance, cutting the silver line of the sea. (The castle was not visible). On the right side of the lawn a grass walk behind a shrubbery looked out upon the wide expanse of Pevensey level ... and was sheltered by the immensely tall abele trees known as the ‘Five Sisters of Lime'."


If you are interested to learn more about the history of Lime Park, we'd recommend that you read: The Energy Age' which you can order online from Kindle and other E book readers from 2013.




Augustus Hare, Lime Park, Herstmonceux




Lime Park History


From 1655 there is noted the site of 'Manor of Lime' with its lands meadows and pastures in Herstmonceux. In estate papers of 1820, the site is described as: farmhouse, gardens, orchards, fishponds, stews, barn, two stables, pig pound etc. (Ref: Wartling Tenement Analysis pp23/65).


A 1839 Tithe award (Reference TDE 89) notes Lime house, buildings and 105 acres, with 8.5 acres of wood. There were also 20 acres in the north-west part marked on a 1683 map as Lime Park.

Lime Park was built by the Gillon family in 1821.


It was purchased from Andrew Gillon in 1860 by Thomas Arkcoll. The Arkcoll family remained there until 1909. Wartling Tenement Analysis describes the house as ‘a large, rambling Victorian mansion'.

In 1909-1915 it was occupied by Baron von Roemer (de Roemer) of Stuttgart.  During 1918 t he Baron changed his name to Major Charles Henry de Roemer JP.


Augustus Hare lived at Lime House from early childhood until about 25 years of age (1834 to 1859).




Epitaphs for Country Churchyards (1856)

Hare attended University College in Oxford. The preface reads:


"In a recent tour on the Wye and among the villages of Herefordshire and Monmouthshire, I have often stopped to examine the Epitaphs in the churchyards. It is sad to see how unsuitable, how almost ludicrous, many of them are. It is not only that they are devoid of beauty, but that they are calculated to drag down the minds of the survivors; chaining them to the recollection of the sufferings which their departed friends endured in their lifetime, harrowing them by the repetition, and in the end holding no lesson to be learnt, no comfort to look to, no hope of rest in another world. The chief variety upon these inscriptions is usually a catalogue of the virtues of the deceased, which would belong rather to heathen morality than to Christian humility". 


This is an instructive book to enable the reader to write their own epitaph, free of the pitfalls Hare denounces.

A Winter at Mentone (1862)

THE non-existence of any Guide-book to Mentone, or of any history of Monaco and its neighbourhood, except the small summary of Monsieur Rendu, induced the author to publish the following notes, descriptive of five months spent at Mentone, from November, 1860, to May, 1861.

The accounts of the excursions are derived from personal experience. The many local traditions and histories which have been added, are due to the assistance of the Mentonese residents, whose ready kindness and sympathy in any undertaking, cannot fail to impress every stranger who visits them.

Walks in Rome (1871) with map

"The best handbook of the city and environs of Rome ever published. . . . Cannot be too much commended," - Pall Mall Gazette

"This book is sure to be very useful. It is thoroughly practical, and is the best guide that has yet been offered." - Daily News

"Mr. Hare's book fills a real void, and gives to the tourist all the latest discoveries and the fullest information bearing on that most inexhaustible of subjects, the city of Rome. . . . It is much fuller than 'Murray,' and any one who chooses may know how Rome really looks in sun or shade." - Spectator



Augustus Hare





Memorials of a Quiet Life (1872-6) with photographs

The Standard:-

"One of those books which it impossible to read without pleasure. It conveys a sense of repose not unlike that which everybody must have felt out of service time in quiet little village churches. Its editor will receive the hearty thanks of every cultivated reader for these profoundly interesting 'Memorials' of two brothers, whose names and labours their universities and Church have alike reason to cherish with affection and remember with pride, who have smoothed the path of faith to so many troubled wayfarers, strengthening the weary and confirming the weak."


Wanderings in Spain (1873)

"Here is the ideal book of travel in Spain; the book which exactly anticipates the requirements of everybody who is fortunate enough to be going to that enchanted land; the book which ably consoles those who are not so happy by supplying the imagination from the daintiest and most delicious of its stories." - Spectator


Days Near Rome (1875) with over 100 illustrations by AH

Cities of Northern Italy (1876), second edition with illustrations

"We can imagine no better way of spending a wet day in Florence or Venice than in reading all that Mr. Hare has to say and quote about the history, arts, and famous people of those cities. These volumes come under the class of volumes not to borrow, but to buy." - Morning Post


Walks in London (1878) reprinted in 1923

With additional Illustrations in later editions.

"One of the really valuable as well as pleasant companions to the peripatetic philosopher's rambling studies of the town." - Daily Telegraph


Westminster (1879) paperback reprint in 1904

Reprinted from "Walks in London," as a Handy Guide. 120 pages


Life and Letters of Frances, Baroness Bunsen (1879) with portraits

Volume 1 was in an unusual leather binding & marbled boards.


Freifrau von Bunsen (1890) translated by Hans Tharau


Cities of Southern Italy and Sicily (1883) illustrated

"Mr. Hare's name will be a sufficient passport for the popularity of his work. His books on the Cities of Italy are fast becoming as indispensible to the traveller in that part of the country as the guide-books of Murray or Baedeker. . . . His book is one which I should advise all future travellers in Southern Italy and Sicily to find room for in their portmanteaus." - Academy


Sicily was published as a separate volume in 1905

Cities of Central Italy (1884) with illustrations

Florence (1884) - with Plan and 27 Illustrations


Sketches in Holland and Scandinavia (1885) - Illustrated

"This little work is the best companion a visitor to these countries can have, while those who stay at home can also read it with pleasure and profit." - Glasgow Herald


Studies in Russia (1885) - with numerous Illustrations

"Mr. Hare's book may be recommended as at once entertaining and instructive."
- Athnaeum

"A delightful and instructive guide to the places visited. It is, in fact, a sort of glorified guide-book, with all the charm of a pleasant and cultivated literary companion." - Scotsman.


Venice (1885) - with Plan and 23 Illustrations

"The plan of these little volumes is excellent. . . . Anything more perfectly fulfilling the idea of a guide-book we have never seen." - Scottish Review.


Paris (1887) - 50 Illustrations


Days Near Paris (1887) - illustrated

North-Eastern France (1890) - With map and 86 Woodcuts.

Picardy - Abbeville and Amiens - Paris and its Environs - Arras and the Manufacturing Towns of the North - Champagne - Nancy and the Vosges, &c.


South-Eastern France (1890) - With Map and 176 Woodcuts

The different lines to the South - Burgundy - Auvergne - The Cantal - Provence - The Alpes Dauphinaises and Alpes Maritimes, &c.


South-Western France (1890) - With Map and 232 Woodcuts

The loire - The Gironde and Landes - Creuse - Corrèze - The Limousin - Gascony and Languedoc - The Cevennes and the Pyrenees, &c.


The Story of Two Noble Lives. (1893)

Charlotte, Countess Canning, and Louisa, Marchioness of Waterford.

About 450 pages each in three volumes. Illustrated with 11 engraved Portraits and 21 Plates in Photogravure from Lady Waterford's Drawings, 8 full-page and 24 smaller Woodcuts from sketches by the Author.

Sussex (1894) - With Map and 45 Woodcuts.


Life and Letters of Maria Edgworth (1894)

This Memoir of Maria Edgeworth, by her step-mother, Mrs.Edgeworth, was privately printed in 1867, but is now published, by the kind permission of the Edgeworth family, for the first time. The letters of Maria Edgeworth, which form the greater part of this work, are full of literary and human interest, and many of them are of great historical value. . . . These volumes are edited by Mr. Augustus Hare, who also contributes a Preface to the work. While omitting any letters and other material of a personal nature which have ceased to be of interest, Mr. Hare has carefully preserved in these volumes all that is of value in the original Memoir.


North-Western France (1895) - With map and 73 Woodcuts.

Normandy and Brittany - Rouen - Dieppe - Cherbourg - Bayeux - Caen - Coutances - Chartres - Mont St. Michel - Dinan - Brest - Alençon, &c.

"Mr. Hare's volumes, with their charming illustrations, are a reminder of how much we miss by neglecting provincial France." - Times

"The appreciative traveler in France will find no more pleasant, inexhaustible, and discriminating guide that Mr. Hare. . . . All the volumes are most liberally supplied with drawings, all of them beautifully executed, and some of them genuine masterpieces." - Echo.

"Every one who has used one of Mr. Hare's books will welcome the appearance of his new work upon France. . . . The books are the most satisfactory guide-books for a traveler of culture who wishes improvement as well as entertainment from a tour. . . . It is not necessary to go to the places described before the volumes become useful. While part of the work describes the district round Paris, the rest practically opens up a new country for English visitors to provincial France." - Scotsman.


The Gurneys of Earlham: 1895 - Illustrated with 33 Photogravure Plates and 19 Woodcuts

Memoirs and Letters of the Eleven Children of John and Catherine Gurney of Earlham, 1775-1875, and the Story of their Religious Life under many Different Forms.

Biographical Sketches 1895 - Illustrated with 7 Portraits and 17 Woodcuts

Memorial Sketches of Arthur Panrhyn Stanley, Dean of Westminster; Henry Alford, Dean of Canterbury; Mrs. Duncan Stewart; and Paray Le Monial.

The Rivieras 1896 - With 67 Illustrations


The Story of My Life: 1834 to 1870

Recollections of Places, People, and Conversations, extracted chiefly from Letters and Journals. Illustrated with 18 Photogravure Portraits and 144 Woodcuts from Drawings by the Author.


Shropshire 1898 - With Map and 48 Woodcuts.


The Story of My Life: 1870 to 1900 - With 12 Photogravure Plates and 247 Woodcuts.



Cromwell: His Character and Protectorate (unbound & undated)

Signed by Hare?

Guesses at Truth by Two Brothers (1838)

by Julius Charles Hare and Augustus William Hare


Mission of the Comforter and Other Sermons (with Notes) 1846

by Julius Charles Hare


Sickness, Its Trials and Blessings 1851

by Priscilla Maurice, sister of 'Aunt Esther'.

Proverbial Philosophy 1859 

by Martin F Tupper. (One of Hare’s sources for ‘Epitaphs for Country Churchyards’)


Historical Memorials of Canterbury 1872

by Arthur Penrhyn Stanley (close family friend of the Hares)


Men Were Different (1937)

by Shane Leslie, includes a lengthy essay on Augustus


The Downfall of Augustus Hare (1945)

by Margaret Ross – this book has absolutely nothing whatever to do with ‘our’ Augustus Hare but is rather an interesting illustrated children's book.


In Vagrant Mood (1952) reprinted 1998

by W. Somerset Maugham - includes a personal account of meeting Augustus and a brief précis of the 'Life'


The Years with Mother (1952)

(an abridgement by Malcolm Barnes of vols. I - III of The Story of My Life)


In My Solitary Life (1953)

(an abridgement by Malcolm Barnes of vols. IV - VI of The Story of My Life)


The Water Beetle (1962)

by Nancy Mitford, includes an essay on Augustus and illustrations by Osbert Lancaster


Two Victorian Ladies (1969)

by A.R.Mills, More pages from the journals of Emily and Ellen Hall (with several anecdotes about meetings with Hare)


‘I’. . . an Anthology of Diarists (1972)

Edited by Barbara Willard with a chapter on Hare.


Augustus Hare in Italy (1977)

An abridgement by Gavin Henderson of the Italian travel books, with Illustrations from the original wood engravings


Guessing at Truth: The Life of Julius Charles Hare (1979)

by N. Merrill Distad, a historical biography of 'Uncle Julius'


Augustus Hare: Victorian Gentleman (1985)

A biography of Augustus Hare by Malcolm Barnes


Campfire Stories (1985)

by William Forgey, includes a copy of 'The Beast of Croglin Grange'


Augustus: Eminently a Victorian

play by James Roose-Evans (of "84 Charring Cross Road" fame)


Stare Back and Smile - (Penguin) 1990

by Joanna Lumley – recollections of Holmhurst.


Peculiar People: The Story of My Life (1995)

An abridgement by Anita Miller and James Papp of the entire set volumes I - VI of The Story of My Life.



Tanten, Tunten, Schräge Vögel (1996)

German Abridgement of ‘The Story of My Life’


All Saints Church, Herstmonceaux 1997

A guide-book to All Saints by Rev Rosslyn Bruce with revisions by Miss Mary Tate and Mr. George Elliott






Jeffrey Archer - Kane & Abel

Isaac Asimov - I Robot

Denis Bartell - Desert Walker

Peter Benchley - Jaws

John Blaine - The Golden Skull

Enid Blyton - The Famous Five

Charlotte Bronte - Wuthering Heights

Dan Brown - The Da Vinci Code

Ellie Jackson - Nelson's dangerous dive

Emily Bronte - Wuthering Heights

Edgar Rice Burroughs - Tarzan

Claire Carpenter

Lee Child - One Shot

Agatha Christie - Murder on the Nile

Tom Clancy - The Hunt for Red October

Arthur C Clarke - Space Odyssey

Michael Connelly - The Lincoln Lawyer

Michael Crichton - Jurassic Park

Clive Cussler - Raise the Titanic

Daniel Dafoe - Robinson Crusoe

Roald Dahl - The Big Friendly Giant

Eliza Davies

Charles Dickens - Oliver Twist



Arthur Conan Doyle - Sherlock Homes

Alex Askaroff - Patches of Heaven

Alexander Dumas - Count Monte Christo

Ian Flemming - James Bond

C S Forester - Hornblower

John Grisham - The Pelican Brief

Augustus Hare - Longest Biography

Charlaine Harris - Dead Until Dark

Stephen HawkingA Brief History of Time

Ernest HemingwayOld Man and the Sea

Amanda Hocking - My Blood Approves

Jameson Hunter - $Billion Dollar Whale

Jenna Jameson - Shadow Hunter

E L James - 50 Shades of Grey

Stephen King - The Thing

Rudyard Kipling - The Jungle Book

Stieg Larson - Girl with Dragon Tattoo

D H Lawrence - Women in Love 

C S Lewis - The Chronicles of Narnia

Jack LondonThe Sea Wolf

Robert Ludlum - Bourne Identity

Ian McEwan - Atonement

Alistair McLean - Bear Island



Herman Melville - Moby Dick

Kyotaro Nishimura - Terminal Murder

Patrick O'Brian

George Orwell - 1984

Beatrix Potter - The Tale of Peter Rabbit

Arthur Ransome - Swallows & Amazons

Nora Roberts - Sweet Revenge

Harold RobbinsThe Carpetbaggers

J K Rowling - Harry Potter

William Shakespeare - Romeo & Juliet

Sidney Sheldon - The Naked Face 

Stacy Schiiff - Cleopatra A Life

Mary Shelley - Frankenstein

Wilbur SmithShout at the Devil

Bram StokerDracula

Robert Louis Stevenson - Treasure Island

Mark TwainAdventures Huckleberry Finn

Jules Verne - 20,000 Leagues U Sea

Edgar Wallace - King Kong 

J Warrington - Tread Carefully

H G Wells - War of the Worlds

Oscar Wilde - Picture of Dorian Gray

Virginia Woolf - To the Lighthouse






Augus Hare's beloved Lime Park (House) and electricity generating history



The beginning of electricity generation in Augustus Hare's 

beloved Lime Park




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