TO ARMS - They are school kids temporarily sacrificing their education in order to save our futures from dangerous climate change.
On November 30, over 15,000 boys and girls went on strike from school in every capital city and over 20 regional centres across
On March 15, they
are going even bigger and inviting adults to join them in solidarity for a Global Climate Strike!
We ask, should that not include every country in the world?
They are activists who care about the fact that their guardians
are messing things up for them, knowing they will be faced with
a burned out planet and
billions of people to feed with less land to grow crops, more
energy being used and fewer fish to go around - but most of all
the global temperature will
have risen unchecked, raising the sea level, killing species,
causing more acidic
oceans and dangerous air pollution.
with these consequences of inaction, why would anyone in the
future firing line not strike now. Adults will try to use
legislation to prevent truancy, but is it delinquency or is it
taking responsibility and rebelling against extinction.
If that is what it is, it is lawful at all times to do a thing
to save a life. In which case, climate strikes are legal. In the
words of Arnold
Schwarzenegger: "DO IT"
want you to learn, have families and pay taxes to dig them out
of the hole they are digging for you. They want a retirement
based on the sweat of your brow when you are adults - but they
are making it almost impossible for you to do that in 10 or 20
years time, when you will be struggling so that the fat cats of
today can get fatter. Sadly, this is the truth that they will
never admit to.
only reason we have gotten this far with sustainable development
on the table at all, is the climate marches of yesteryear. We
need climate revelation for the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Greta Thunberg skiftede skoledag ud med
strejke foran den svenske
Rigsdag. Nu kan hun få brug for at skippe skolen for at besøge en
Template Letters for:
Federal Politician
2. Teacher / Principal
Outreach letter
1. Template Letter for Federal Politician
This can be sent to your Federal MP before you start your strike. If you don’t know who your Federal MP is, you can find out by entering your postcode/electorate here.
Here is a tip sheet to help you have an effective meeting with your
Subject Line: Request for meeting from striking students
Dear [insert Federal MP’s name]
My name is [insert name]. I am [insert age] and go to [insert school name] / live in [insert area].
I am very worried about climate change because [insert reasons] .
It’s clear that politicians are not doing enough to address climate change because the impacts are getting worse - bushfires in winter, NSW and QLD gripped by crippling drought, half of the Great Barrier Reef dead.
Rather than taking urgent action to stop climate change, our Government is trying to help build giant new coal mines like Adani’s in Queensland.
And that is why I am going on strike from school to highlight how worried I am about this issue and call on all politicians to do more.
I am not alone. School students across Australia are doing the same throughout November. You can learn more here: www.schoolstrike4climate.com
Will you meet with me to have a discussion about this and how we can get more action happening to stop dangerous climate change?
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
With hope,
[insert name, age, home town]
Template Letter for Teacher / Principal
This can be sent to your teacher before you start your strike to help build support.
Dear [insert teacher’s name]
On [insert date(s)] [insert student’s name] is joining school students across Australia to strike from school as a way of demonstrating our deep concern about the lack of political action on
Climate impacts are growing in intensity. We’ve had bushfires in winter and NSW and QLD are gripped by crippling drought. Yet our politicians want to help billionaire coal companies like Adani build massive new coal mines which will only make climate change worse.
You can read more about the strike here: www.schoolstrike4climate.com
insert what you will be doing during your strike, e.g…..
During the strike, we will be visiting our local MP to ask what more they can do to address the climate crisis. OR
On March 15, we will join a big walk out at [insert location] with other kids from our area.
We’d love to discuss the strike more with you and others in the
school to spread awareness of it and see how we can all build more awareness of the need for urgent action on climate change and Adani’s coal mine.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
[insert name of parent / guardian + student]
Template outreach letter
This can be sent to gain interest from individuals or organisations who you want to support the strike.
Dear [individual or organisation]
On March 15, school students across Australia and around the world are striking from school as a way of demonstrating deep concern about the lack of political action on
We have a big school walk out planned in our area on [insert date, and Facebook event link]
Climate impacts are growing in intensity. We’ve had bushfires in winter and much of Australia is gripped by crippling drought. Yet our politicians want to help billionaire coal companies like Adani build massive new coal mines which will only make climate change worse.
You can read more about the strike here: www.schoolstrike4climate.com
I’d love to discuss the strike more with you and see if you were interested in [getting involved / supporting promotion / passing this on to your networks] and together we can all build more awareness of the strike and the need for urgent action on
climate change and Adani’s coal mine.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
[insert name]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1933369976972843/
Twitter: @StrikeClimate
Instagram: @climatestrike
Media Enquiries:
0427 485 233 or 0437 316 331

MEDIA - Greta Thunberg is on Twitter and Instagram with huge

CHANGERS - Learn while ye
may for the benefit of your fellow man. Use what you know to help
make a better place for the future. Climate
change, acid
oceans and plastic
pollution are three of the biggest menaces for human society.
Greta is right on the money.
We need action now, hot hot air.
Big thanks to all those who are or were prepared to stand up for what they
believe as Climate
THUNBERG - is a Swedish climate activist. At the COP24 climate
talks in Poland, December 2018, Miss Thunberg addressed the
Secretary-General of the United
Nations. She received a standing ovation for one of her talks. She is
behind the global school strike created to call attention to climate
change. She is a rebel. With a cause. Thunberg is 15 and autistic and
the newest, youngest and most powerful voice on the world stage demanding
the world address global
warming. Go Greta!
https://medium.com/wedonthavetime/this-15-year-old-girl-breaks-swedish-law-for-the-climate-d1a48ab97e3a https://freespeech.org/stories/you-are-stealing-our-future-greta-thunberg-15-condemns-the-worlds-inaction-on-climate-change/ https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/17349282.climate-change-school-strike-by-13-year-old-scottish-schoolgirl/
https://theunboundedspirit.com/greta-thunberg-cop24/ https://www.instagram.com/gretathunberg/ https://twitter.com/GretaThunberg https://www.commondreams.org/news/2018/12/19/depressed-and-then-diagnosed-autism-greta-thunberg-explains-why-hope-cannot-save http://axisoflogic.com/artman/publish/Article_82413.shtml https://www.letelegramme.fr/monde/climat-greta-thunberg-le-visage-de-la-cop24-16-12-2018-12163430.php

- A 13-year-old Scottish pupil is starting a week of strike action outside her school to protest over the lack of progress on climate change.
Holly Gillibrand, from Fort William, will stand outside Lochaber High School for an hour a day between 8.45am and 9.45am to raise awareness over the issue.
Her action has been inspired by 15-year-old Swedish student Greta Thunberg who last year went on strike from school in Sweden after a spate of heat waves and wildfires.
Her demands for the Swedish government reduce carbon emissions gained worldwide attention and she has inspired thousands of pupils across the world to take part in student strikes.
As of December 2018, more than 20,000 students had held strikes in countries across the world including
Australia, Austria, Belgium,
Canada, the Netherlands,
Germany, Finland, Denmark,
Japan, Switzerland, the UK and the
Holly said: "I am striking because we are running out of time. Thousands of children around the world should not be having to miss classes because of our leaders inability to treat the climate crisis as a crisis."
Holly announced her planned weekly strike in December from her Twitter account in a message addressed to
Prime Minister
Theresa May in which she said: "I am going to be striking from school because I will not sit silently while you and the British government contributes to the destruction of our only planet."
Friday 15th February will see a UK-wide Youth Strike 4 Climate with students of
colleges and universities planning actions around the UK, including one at Glasgow University.
The action is part of a campaign run by Extinction Rebellion which is demanding that the UK Government reduces carbon emissions to net zero by 2025.
In a recent interview with The Herald Holly said: "Climate change is what concerns me most about the world. My family have been worried about climate change, but it’s only started dawning on me in the last few years that it’s really serious and that we need to do something about it.
"We stopped eating meat because that’s bad for the environment and we try to limit the amount of times we go in the car. We use green energy and we’re going to start growing our own vegetables.
"Politically, there just needs to be much more action, because politicians and leaders are having all these climate talks, but nothing is actually happening."
By Andrew Denholm

- For the avoidance of doubt, Max Energy and/or Electrick
Publications is not in contact with Ms Thunberg, does not have
her address, and would not give out that information without her
express permission in any event. ME/EP does not represent Ms
Thunberg in any way. We are though sympathetic to her causes and
follow her progress as she may affect policy on climate change,
even where she does not propose solutions, just calls for
action, such calls are important reminders for world
leaders that they are not doing enough to combat global
warming. The Trust avers that it has the right to report on
media articles, receive and impart information as per Articles 9
and 10 of the European
Convention of Human Rights, and other articles enshrined in
international law under the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights. Where registered, trademarks
will be respected, but this does not prevent legitimate comment
on media events and articles, as per the Freedom of the Press.
The public have a right to know. We are advocates of fair and
balanced reporting.