in the hot and steamy Amazon jungle, activist Alyssa Rothman
(Sandra Bullock) helps a brash photojournalist investigate the
assassination of a famous environmentalist, at the risk of both
their lives.
Luis Llosa
Screenwriters: Margo Blue, Beverly Gray
Starring: Sandra
Bullock, Craig Sheffer, Juan Fernández, Judith Chapman,
Reynaldo Arenas
Original release details: DTV (New Horizons), USA 1993,
One day out
of curiosity, I put on a DVD which came as a promotional bundle
- hence B movies. The film was called 'Fire on the
Amazon'. I had to force myself to watch it, since the lead
actor deserved a punch on the nose for his performance and the
dirty cop was only slightly less annoying.
Medicine Man, which has a similar more subtle environmental
plot, photographer Craig Sheffer, who sports a thoroughly ragged
mane of hair at one point and a
very silly ponytail,
investigates a hot story in the Amazon basin and turns it into a
farce. Unfortunately, his performance portrays investigative
journalists as careless bumbling idiots, which of course they
are very far from being.

Sandra Bullock
a native Indian activist is brutally murdered in his garden
shower, by an arrow through the throat. As luck would have
it another local is singled out by a corrupt police captain as
the fall guy. During the arrest, our hero is so busy
taking pictures, he gets himself taken hostage and subsequently
arrested. On his release, and still not street wise, he
roams the town snapping photographs of swarthy soldier types
beating on innocent civilians, and dodges thugs at the embassy,
all the while offering forgettable wise-guy comments which
slowly but surely grate on the nerves of the audience and the
officials in the movie, he should perhaps be more politically
correct about in conversation.
Santos is killed, the official story is that it was a petty
fight between two peasants and a local Indian man is arrested
for the murder. The accused then conveniently dies in
jail. American environmental do-gooder, Alyssa Rothman (Bullock)
and photojournalist, R.J. O’Brien (Sheffer) believe that
there's a cover-up and head off into the rainforest to
Long before all this sinks in, you'll be reaching for the remote
control. The only thing stopping you is that you know
Sandra Bullock is a star in the movie. Eventually, she
shows up as "the girl next door", working for a
charity organisation fighting to conserve the forests, but which
charity is actually in the pockets of the plantation
owners. She and the photographer hate each other on
screen, while trading comments about man's responsibility to the
jungle, which is being demolished by greedy industrial
the film was badly directed, the quality was poor and it was
obviously made on a low budget, I applaud Ms Bullock for making
the film, which I take as her statement to the rape of the rain
forests all over the world. Well done Sandy.
certainly can't say that this film isn't clear on its message
(which is "Rainforest good, loggers bad"). It opens
with a ponderous caption:
years, the rainforest has spawned bloody feuds. Ranchers and
loggers have sought to clear the land, while rubbertappers and
Indians have fought to save the forest. Many have died in the
conflict. Rafael Santos, leader of the rubbertappers, was one
such man.
there we see the sort of scenes which should really be in a bad
documentary named: "Bolivia, country of contrasts".
Some of the prettiest and most delightful creatures (parrots,
monkeys, etc) frolic in idyllic surroundings. Immediately
we cut to the noise and destruction of a full-scale logging
operation, chainsaws in abundance. You could end the film there
after 30 seconds and we'd have got the whole point.
not be surprised to learn that in reality, on 22 December 1988,
the leader of the Brazilian Rubber Tappers National Council (CTN),
Mendes, was shot outside the home he shared with his wife
and four children. Two wealthy landowners were eventually found
guilty of his murder, but the trial unearthed a long history of
murder, intimidation and corruption on the part of land owners,
loggers and the authorities.
their effort to save the trees, our celluloid heroes, Sandra and
Craig venture deep into the jungle in a canoe, trailing a
suspicious local carrying the body of the local fall guy.
The suspicious character turns out to be the dead man's brother
come to claim the body for a decent funeral. Before our heroes
can get out of their canoe, a sniper working for the timber
barons is shooting at them. They use the old breathing under the
upturned hull move (ala Rob Roy) to fool the sniper into
believing they are dead. Apparently, snipers always fall
fro this one. Then they find their way to a friendly
native village, smoke some of the wacky weed. Then without
warning Sandra was performing a breathtaking love scene, which I
watched with my jaw still on the floor. The nude tussle
in their hut, is probably the only scene you'll remember.

done Sandra
It's pretty standard stuff, dimly lit sweaty bodies gyrating
together, except of course it is Sandra Bullock. Young male
members of the audience will be pleased by the amount of skin on
display, which leaves little to the imagination. I was
rather glad when it was over, since I rate Ms Bullock rather
highly, even though she's got a terrific figure, but I did not
want anything revealed that ought not to be on public
display. Some things are best left to the imagination and
fortunately, it didn't go too far. Later, I found out that
Sandra had taken appropriate precautions and just as well.
Viewers might complain at Craig Sheffer crawling on the floor
making like a Panther, but that's another story!
main interest in seeing Fire on the Amazon probably
lies in its somewhat controversial past. In 1992, Sandra Bullock
was a relatively unknown actress in search of a decent role. Of
course, this wasn't to be it, but what's a struggling young
actress gonna do? So, she signed up for this and, despite
her misgivings, she agreed to do a nude scene. Not
entirely nude, though (apparently she's wearing tape and it's
shot to avoid showing anything), but a nude scene nonetheless.
The movie was released in 1993, did the rounds, then died a
Unfortunately, that's the only halfway memorable scene in the
movie. The rest of the time, we're stuck with the painfully
bland repartee between Han Solo and Princess Leia as they
tolerate each other as lovers in this wonderful, natural world
of ours. The plot is so muddled and confusing we often don't
know exactly what our heroes are trying to accomplish
floundering in that forest of grass. That's one reason the
love scene comes as a shock. At one point I thought the
jeep like vehicle they were driving was the star. It never
let anyone down! I
thoroughly enjoyed Sandra's performances in Speed, then
Demolition Man and finally Miss Congeniality, which my nieces
dragged me into the lounge to see. They know a good movie
when they see one.
If it wasn't for Sandra Bullock, this film, with its
unimaginative lighting, serviceable plot, routine plastic score
and forgettable set pieces, this would quickly go to the back of
the shelves or eventually the bin. As it stands, one
quickly understands why she strove to keep it off the shelves -
except that the closing shot announces that 70,000 acres of
rainforest are lost to us every day. I don't know if this
figure is accurate, but even at one tenth the number, it's
enough to make your blood boil.

Sandra Bullock love scene in Fire on the Amazon
Corman is a prolific movie producer (350+ movies at last count).
He's probably given a start to more young talents than any other
single figure in the movie industry since the very earliest days
of cinema. He produces cheap and cheerful products at low cost
with the intention of making a decent return. Video and
DVD have been his friend. He's been accused of being in the
exploitation business. Funny that! Are not all movies
exploitative in some way?
it's fair to say, is not one of New Horizon's better films. It
manages to be exploitative yet still one of the dullest movies
you'll ever see. The story of Chico Mendes is the sort that
would, in the right hands, make either a very good documentary
along the lines of Orson Welles' Four Men on a Raft
(which can be seen in the documentary It's All True)
or, with a half-decent cast, a great movie such as Man on Fire
with Denzel Washington. Unfortunately, the script isn't up
to it. It can't decide if it wants to be an environmentalist
message movie, a political thriller, a murder/adventure film or
a romance. Sadly, it ends up being boring and muddled and the
dialogue is beyond trite. To make matters worse, the
heroine dies from a gunshot wound after an unconvincing rescue
attempt! I prefer happy endings. But if they are to
be sad, then make them really tragic such as in Man on Fire.
the avoidance of doubt, this film deals with the fictional
Rafael Santos, and is set in Bolivia, not Brazil. Also,
Sandra Bullock placed duct
tape on her breasts during the filming of the love scene so that
she could know for sure nothing would be visible that she didn't
want seen. She also made the production company sign a contract
stating which parts of her were not to be shown.
forward to 1999. Sandra Bullock is a big star and naturally
Roger Corman wanted to recover his losses by re-releasing the
movie on DVD and VHS. To make the most of the release, he
placed a prominent picture of Sandra on the DVD cover,
highlighting the fact that she appears nude in the film.
Miss Bullock is not altogether pleased, since she has a career
built on her girl next door image, which most people kind of
like and wish to preserve. In fact, Sandy famously does
not do sex scenes. She's a kissing kind of girl. "You
want to hug me. You want to kiss me".

Available On Order
Released: 17th Jun 2002
Retail Price: £5.99
Sendit's price: £4.99
You Save: £1.00
/ Adventure
Tagline: Fight fire with fire
Plot Summary: In Bolivia's Amazon basin,
corporate cattle ranches are replacing the rain forest. When
Santos, charismatic leader of the union of rubber tappers.
User Comments: Is it really worth a rental?
User Rating: *** 3.2/10 (724
Known As:
Lost Paradise
Runtime: 87 min / Argentina:102 min /
Germany:78 min / USA:78 min (R-rated version) / UK:87 min
Country: USA
/ Peru
Language: English
/ Spanish
Color: Color
Certification: Argentina:13
/ Australia:R
/ Germany:12
/ Norway:15
(video premiere) / Peru:14
/ Sweden:15
/ UK:18
/ USA:NC-17
(certificate #31001) / USA:R
(edited for re-rating) / Philippines:R-18
/ Finland:K-16

Bullock - Amazonian
by: Luis Llosa
Digital: English
Certification: 18
Duration: ?? mins
Format: DVD
Single Sided/Single Layer
Region: 2
Sound: Dolby Digital
Cat. No: FMDV1060(PRISM
Category: Action/Adventure:General

Cola - a taste for adventure