December 8 2005
New Tagline: the "Biggest Idea" Since
New Coke
to The Wall Street Journal’s Chad Terhune reports
that Coca-Cola has unveiled its new slogan
: “Welcome to the Coke side of life.”
to the Coke side of life?
was observed by 'Being Reasonable', that this
term is somewhat generic andcould be applied to
Pepsi, Sony, Nike, etc. They said
this slogan rings equally true – or not –
for any brand touting any kind of lifestyle and
may well apply best to a drug cartel!
the Wall Street article, Terhune politely points
out that “the Atlanta-based company hasn’t
had a memorable ad campaign since ‘Always’
ended in 1999.”.
below for Coca-Cola
slogans dating back to 1886. It reads like
a history of the firm or a history of trends in
advertising messaging. The taglines range
from product benefits in the early years, to
messages of ubiquity and “accept no
substitutes,” to lifestyle messages, to
emphasis on authenticity.
Slogans from 1886 - 2005
Drink Coca-Cola
1900 Deliciously refreshing
For headache and exhaustion, drink Coca-Cola
1904 Coca-Cola is a delightful, palatable,
healthful beverage
Coca-Cola satisfies
Delicious and Refreshing
Drink Coca-Cola in bottles - 5¢
1905 Drink a bottle of carbonated Coca-Cola
Coca-Cola revives and sustains
Drink Coca-Cola at soda fountains
The favorite drink for ladies when thirsty,
weary, and despondent
Good all the way down
Flows from every fountain
Sold in bottles
1906 The drink of quality
The Great National Temperance
Thirst quenching - delicious and refreshing
1907 Delicious Coca-Cola, sustains, refreshes,
Cooling… refreshing… delicious
Coca-Cola is full of vim, vigor and go - is a
snappy drink
1908 Sparkling - harmless as water, and crisp as
The satisfactory beverage
1909 Delicious, wholesome, refreshing
Delicious, wholesome, thirst quenching
Drink delicious Coca-Cola
Whenever you see an arrow think of Coca-Cola
1910 Drink bottled Coca-Cola - so easily served
It satisfies
Quenches the thirst as nothing else can
1911 It’s time to drink Coca-Cola
Real satisfaction in every glass
1912 Demand the genuine - refuse substitutes
1913 Ask for it by its full name - then you will
get the genuine
The best beverage under the sun
It will satisfy you
A welcome addition to any party - anytime -
1914 Demand the genuine by full name
Exhilarating, refreshing
Nicknames encourage substitutions
Pure and wholesome
1915 The standard beverage
1916 It’s fun to be thirsty when you can get a
Just one glass will tell you
1917 Three million a day
The taste is the test of the Coca-Cola quality
There’s a delicious freshness to the flavor of
1919 Coca-Cola is a perfect answer to thirst
that no imitation can satisfy
It satisfies thirst
Quality tells the difference
1920 Drink Coca-Cola with soda
Delicious and refreshing
The hit that saves the day
1922 Quenching thirst everywhere
Thirst knows no season
Thirst can’t be denied
Thirst reminds you - drink Coca-Cola
1923 Refresh yourself
A perfect blend of pure products from nature
There’s nothing like it when you’re thirsty
1924 Pause and refresh yourself
1925 Six million a day
The sociable drink
Stop at the red sign and refresh yourself
1926 Thirst and taste for Coca-Cola are the same
Stop at the red sign
1927 Around the corner from anywhere
At the little red sign
1928 A pure drink of natural flavors
1929 The pause that refreshes
1930 Meet me at the soda fountain
1932 Ice-cold sunshine
The drink that makes the pause refreshing
1933 Don’t wear a tired, thirsty face
1934 Carry a smile back to work
Ice-cold Coca-Cola is everywhere else - it ought
to be in your family refrigerator
When it’s hard to get started, Start with a
1935 The drink that keeps you feeling right
All trails lead to ice-cold Coca-Cola
The pause that brings friends together
1936 What refreshment ought to be
Get the feel of wholesome refreshment
1937 America’s favorite moment
Cold refreshment
So easy to serve and so inexpensive
Stop for a pause… go refreshed
1938 Anytime is the right time to pause and
At the red cooler
The best friend thirst ever had
Pure sunlight
1939 Coca-Cola goes along
Make lunch time refreshment time
Makes travel more pleasant
The drink everybody knows
Thirst stops here
1940 Bring in your thirst and go away without it
The package that gets a welcome at home
Try it just once and you will know why
1941 A stop that belongs on your daily timetable
Completely refreshing
1942 The only thing like Coca-Cola is Coca-Cola
Refreshment that can’t be duplicated
Wherever you are, whatever you do, wherever you
may be,
when you think refreshment, think ice-cold
1943 That extra something
A taste all its own
The only thing like Coca-Cola is Coca-Cola
It’s the real thing
1944 How about a Coke
High sign of friendship
A moment on the sunnyside
1945 Whenever you hear “Have a Coke,” you
hear the voice of America
Passport to refreshment
Happy moment of hospitality
Coke means Coca-Cola
1947 Coke knows no season
Serving Coca-Cola serves hospitality
Relax with the pause that refreshes
1948 Delicious and refreshing
Where there’s Coca-Cola there’s hospitality
Think of lunchtime as refreshment time
1949 Coca-Cola....Along the highway to anywhere
1950 Help yourself to refreshment
1951 Good food and Coca-Cola just naturally go
1952 Coke follows thirst everywhere
What you want is Coke
The gift of thirst
1953 Dependable as sunrise
1954 For people on the go
Matchless flavor
1955 Almost everyone appreciates the best
America’s preferred taste
1956 Feel the difference
Friendliest drink on earth
Makes good things taste better
1957 Sign of good taste
1958 Refreshment the whole world prefers
The cold, crisp taste of Coke
1959 Cold, crisp taste that deeply satisfies
Make it a real meal
1960 Relax with Coke
Revive with Coke
1961 Coke and food - refreshing new feeling
1962 Enjoy that refreshing new feeling
Coca-Cola refreshes you best
1963 A chore’s best friend
Things go better with Coke
1964 You’ll go better refreshed
1965 Something more than a soft drink
1966 Coke...after Coke...after Coke
1970 It’s the real thing
1971 I’d like to buy the world a Coke
1975 Look up America
1976 Coke adds life
1979 Have a Coke and a Smile
1982 Coke is it!
1985 We’ve got a Taste for You (Coca-Cola and
Coca-Cola classic)
America’s Real Choice
1986 Catch the wave (Coca-Cola)
Red White & You (Coca-Cola classic)
1989 Can’t Beat the Feeling
1990 Can’t Beat the Real Thing
1993 Always Coca-Cola
Taste it all
1994 Play Red Hot Summer
1995 Play Red Hot Summer Again
1996 Enjoy
2001 Life is Good
to the Coke side of life

Cola don't yet have a tagline, but proudly sponsor
this website.
orders accepted from March 2006
Trademarks Australia
Trademarks USA
Trademarks Europe
History of Coca-Cola