by Jameson Hunter

Reporter, camerawoman and historian, Charley Temple frequently saves John Storm and is saved by him, leading to a simmering romance







Charley Temple is a camerawoman and an important supporting character in the cast of the series of adventure stories (books and scripts) by Jameson Hunter. Apart from loving her job taking pictures and shooting footage as a freelance, Charley is a historian and a naturalist. She has a nose for sniffing out stories and would like to be a reporter herself. She keeps herself fit with sword fencing and the occasional judo workout.



Charley Temple, camera woman and friend of John Storm  Jennifer (Garner) Affleck



She is always getting herself into trouble. Mainly by investigating stories where the subject would rather she was buried permanently. Politicians run a mile when they see her coming because she is a charmer who lulls them into a false sense of security before delivering her broadside questions.


During her many adventures with Steve Green, Charley falls in love with the subject matter of their stories, (rather than her reporting partner) John Storm and John with Charley, but they never get around to cementing their feelings with so much going on and there are always complications, such as guests to the adventure in progress and a whole lot more ......





Charley gets her break in reporting by covering this story with veteran reporter Steve Green, establishing herself as a cut above the ordinary camerawoman. In this story about a humpback whale, Charley and John Storm meet for the first time ......





Charley really comes into her own in the second adventure in the series, tracking down genetically enhanced super-humans as the investigative reporter in her own right. Her hands on enthusiasm gets her captured - for some experimentation by a Columbian military group - but not before alerting John Storm to some of her discoveries. With DNA involved, the MI6 and the CIA ask for John's help officially, giving him the opportunity to not only rescue Charley, but add to his technological arsenal .....





Charley is furious at the antics of crazy environmental extremist Redan Simdo in the stolen nuclear submarine, HMS Neptune. John Storm tries not to get involved. He agrees in principle that oil should be replaced by a sustainable economy to halt climate change. He may not agree with the Terramental's (eco terrorist's) methods, but this has become a serious military exercise, way out of his league. Charley persuades him otherwise ..... 









Liz Hurley  Catherine Zeta Jones




The pictures on this page are to give actors an idea of the kind of portrayal producers are likely to be considering. If you might be interested in playing this part, or if you are an agent representing an actor who may be suitable, please contact Blueplanet Universal Productions in confidence.







John Storm

 –  Adventurer  – 

Dan Hawk

 –  Electronics Wizard  – 

George Franks

 –  Solicitor based in Sydney  – 

Suki Hall

 –  Marine Biologist  – 

Steve Green

 –  Freelance Reporter  – 

Charley Temple

 –  Camerawoman  – 

Sarah Jones

 –  Solar Racer, Starlight  – 

Jill Bird

 –  BBC Newsnight Presenter  – 

Tom Hudson

 –  Sky News Editor  – 

Dick Ward

 –  Editor  – 

Frank Paine

 –  Captain Rainbow Warrior 4  – 

Shui Razor

 –  Captain, Suzy Wong, Japanese whaling Boat  – 

Stang Lee

 –  Captain, Jonah, Japanese whaling Boat  – 

Zheng Ling

 –  Japanese Black Market Boss  – 

Peter Shaw

 –  Pilot  – 

Brian Bassett

 –  Editor the Independent   – 




Kate Beckinsale seen here as Charley Temple   Jennifer Lawrence seen here as Charley Temple


Noomi Rapace as Charley Temple







Humpback whale in trouble



We are looking for a scriptwriter and a director to help turn this marine adventure into a 3D film, as part of the John Storm franchise. If you might be interested to come in on such a project at grass roots level please contact Blueplanet Universal Productions.



Kulo Luna, the $Billion Dollar Whale, adventure novel by Jameson Hunter featuring John Storm


The story is a blend of fact and fiction is ideal adventure film material of the Moby Dick / Free Willy genre (Moby Dick was based on real whale attacks on whaling boats). FACT: A boat called Planet Solar completed the 1st solar powered circumnavigation in May of 2012. FACT: SolarNavigator (the real craft) has a power to weight ratio significantly more than 3Kw/ton and a superior hull-form such that it can produce turns of speed for film sequences. This boat is simply the most advanced autonomous vessel in the world, with an onboard computer that is the pinnacle of artificial intelligence - meaning that it can run itself, when no captain is onboard. The SolarNavigator runs on energy harvested from nature and is brim full of medical and technical equipment to make even Mr. Spock proud. It even has a DNA database of every life form on planet earth.







Solar Cola - is the taste that adventurers 

such as Charley Temple prefer




This web page is Copyright © 2014  Blueplanet Universal Holdings and Jameson Hunter Ltd.  All book covers for the John Storm series of adventures are copyright © 2014 all rights reserved.  Hosting is provided by Max  Energy Ltd. an environmental charity.