A Message for World Peace

Achilles Heel - Greek Mythology

Action Man solar dinghy

Adidas - Sport shoes, trainers, boots

Adolf Hitler - the 4th Reich?

Advertising Internet trend -  25% FREE ADVERTISING   Ad Age

Advertising - Why banners and such ?

Affidavit - Ron Saunders - June 97

Affordable Housing - Timber Home

Afri Cola

Agenda 21

Agenda 21 & Local Politics


Airbourne - Eastbourne Air Show

Aircraft and Space Travel Index

Air Therm Solartechnik - Sonni boat

Al Gore - Alliance for Climate Protection

Alan Simpson MP Nottingham

Alan Sugar - Amstrad


Albatross - 46 day circumnavigation

Alcan - Aluminum Alloys

Alex Martin - Robotic design

Alexander Graham Bell - Telephone

Alexander Lewis Wild - Photographer

Alta Vista search engine

Alternative energy - Austrian links

Aluminum - marine grade

Amateur Yacht Research Soc.

Amazon - Online Bookstore

American Challenge WSR Russ Wicks

American Civil War - History

American Football - Sport

American Idol - Simon Cowell

American Marine Electric Motor Corp.

American Powerboat Association

American War of Independence

America's Cup - Premier Sailing Race

AMD - Computer processors



Amphibious - solar powered vehicle

Amundsen, Roald - Explorer

Anchor history & design - Chain

Ancient Egypt - Boat building

Ancient Egypt - Cat Godesses

Andrew - Duke of York

Android projects

Angels - Business start ups

Animals - The Animal Kingdom

Anne - Princess Royal

An Stradag - WSR GB- Lady Arran

An Stradag WWSR 2005

Anthony Hopkins - The Bounty


AOL - America Online


Apple Macintosh - iPOD

Aquaculture - Fish Farming

Archaeology - electricity distribution

Archimedes - principle

Argus, The Evening - Nov 1999

Arnold Schwarzenegger - Terminator

Art - Martin House, portraits in oils

Art - the Solar Lady figurehead

Arundel Castle - Sussex, England


ASTO - Sea Training Organisations

Astrology - Signs of the Zodiac

Astronaut - Man on the Moon

Australian Power Boat Association


Autumn Phillips

Aviator, The - Leonardo Di Caprio

AYRS - Membership - Publications

Aztecs - Mexico

BAE Systems - Hawk

B&Q - Sponsor Ellen MacArthur - London

B&Q - Trimaran specifications

Band Aid - Musicians charity

Barack Obama - US President

Barges - Electric narrow boats


Basilisk - Solar trimaran - HMS Basilisk

Batemans - Mill House & Water turbine

Batteries - generating history Hx Sx

Batteries history & maker links

Batteries - Lead acid cells

Battery - charging

Battle of Britain - Battle, Sussex

Bayer Pharmaceuticals

BBC - Graham Norton Maria problem

Beachy Head - Lighthouse - links

Beatrice, Princess

Bernie Ecclestone - F1 and the FIA

Beverages - coffee - tea - chocolate

Big Ben Clock Tower - London UK

Bill Gates - on Microsoft

Billie Piper - Dr Who's Rose Tyler

Billionaires - World's top 300


Biofuels Biodiesel


Black Swan - Water speed record boat

Blackcurrant bottle - boat - BBSB2

Blue Growth - Horizon 2020 - A to Z guide

Blue Peter - Badges

Blue Ribbon - The Blue Ribband

Blueplanet Electric - LSR Project

Blueplanet Universal Productions

Bluebird Batteries & Solar Panels

- Donald Campbell - Dynasty - Disputes

BMW - 5 Series sold

Boats - A to Z   -  Electric Boats

Boats - Boat builders - europe

Boat builders - international

Boat design & construction - links

Boat design forum - discuss groups

Boat Shows - A to Z

Boat shows - Southampton

Boating - Linkliste solarboote

Boats for sale in Sussex 

Bob Geldof

BOC - British Oxygen Company


Books about Sussex

Boris Johnson - Bojo, Corruption & £ laundering

Boudica - Queen of the Iceni, Bodicea

Boxing - Sport

Brad Pitt - Troy film - Filmography

Brain - Human thinking


Brietling Orbiter

Britain - Solar navigation concept

Britannia - Queen's lobbying for new Royal yacht

British Broadcasting Corp. BBC

British Marine Federation

British Petroleum - BP

British Royal Family

British Soft Drinks Association - BSDA

British Sub Aqua Club - world links

British Venture Capital Association BVCA

Broadband - Development - Providers

Bruce Willis - Die Hard and 16 Blocks

Brunel, Isambard K - Gt Eastern

Bruno Peyron - Orange II Interview 02

Brushless - Model motors

Building Conservation & RTPI

Building Societies - Mortgages

Burt Munro - LSR Legend

Business Plan & Marketing Strategy

Buying a Boat - a guide to the law

Cable and Wireless Adventurer

Cadbury Schweppes


Cameras and Camcorders

Camilla Duchess of Cornwall

Cancer Research - Prevention better than cure

Canning - Soft drink filling - Cans

Canoe - Canoeing

Canon - Cameras

Captain James Cook

Captains Choice - International Insurance

Car Van & Motorcycle Insurance Policies

Car Makers A - Z Directory

Caramel - Flavouring and colouring

Carbon Dioxide - Tax

Carbon Fiber - composites

Cargo Liability - Insurance - Information

Casio - watches


Catamaran Hull

Catamaran - 1/20th model drive

Catamaran - 120th model frame

Catamaran - 1/20th model trials

Catamaran - auxiliary generators

Catamaran Watches


Catherine Duchess of Cambridge

Catlink V - Scandlines Catamaran

Catwoman - Warner Bros

Cedric Lynch - motor inventor

Chains - boat anchoring - Chainsaws

Charity Comm  Objects Articles

Charity Registration  - The Register

Charles Darwin - Evolution & The Beagle

Charles Prince of Wales

Charlotte, Princess

Charter - Liability Insurance

Cherry Mortgages


Chichester Harbour - solar boat

China, Shanghai - Energy Expo 2005

Christian Slater

Christina Aguilera

Christmas - Santa Claus

Christopher Columbus

Chronometer - John Harrison

CIA - Central Intelligence Agency US



Cleopatra - Queen of Egypt - History

Classification - boats & ships

Climate change - Campaigners

Climate Chaos - BBC TV Series

Clipper sailing ships - Cutty Sark

Cloning - Super human evolution Incubator

Cloud Electric - WSR USA

Cloud Electric 2 - aiming for 100mph

Club - supporters

CN7 - Campbell Norris Jet Boat

Coal - Fossil Fuels

Coastguard - US Coastguard

Coca Cola - Solar Cola - Neville Isdell

Coca Cola - Los Angeles Bottling Plant

Coke - Soccer advertising - Slogans

Cola - Generic term & major brands

Columbia Pictures

Columbia Tristar Pictures History (Sony)

Comic Relief - Charity

Command module - ultimate shuttle

Compass  -  Navigational  -  Boxing

Companies House

Composites - moulding

Computers - learn how to build one

Computer motherboards    

Computer processors   

Computer memory  

Computer hard drives  

Computer graphics  

Computer sound cards  

Computer cd & dvd rw  

Computer cases & psu

Computer monitors   

Computer configuration   

Computer operating systems   

Computer peripherals  

Computer software

Concentration Camps - Nazi Germany

Concept 2003 competition

Concorde - Supersonic Plane

Conservative Party - Politics

Conversion calculator

Cook - Capt James - HMS Endeavor

Copyright, Designs and Patents Act

Copyright - USA Fair Use

Copyright - music


Council's UK local authority finder

Countess Lady Arran

Count of Monte Christo A Dumas

Crew - Support Team

Cricket - Cola

Criminal Cases Review Commissioners

Customs and Excise - H M

Cyber Wars

Cycles - electric and solar assisted

Cycles - electric motors - Push Bikes

Cyprus - Holidays

Cyrix - Computer processors

D Day Operation Neptune 6th June 1944

Dalek - Build your own project

Daleks - Doctor Who BBC TV series

Dame Ellen - B&Q bonus non payment

Dame Ellen and Francis Joyon IDEC

Dame Ellen - SNSM Record May 05

Dame Ellen Mac Arthur - Welcome Home

Dame Naomi James - Lively Lady

Darwin, Charles - naturalist

David and Goliath

David Attenborough - Climate Change

Deepwater Horizon BP oil spill

Dell - Computers and Laptops

Desalination - Water makers - filters

Diana Princess of Wales

Digital Millennium Copyright Act


Dinosaurs - Dinosaur Links

Directors - Top 25

Diver qualification - BSAC - NK

Diving Links - sub aqua

Doctor Who - Exhibition Brighton Pier

Dogpile search engine

Dolphins - Marine mammals


Drake - Sir Francis - privateer

Dragons Den - BBC TV

Drones - autonomous boats, planes, subs

Dr Who - TV series history

Dti - Depart. Trade Ind - grants

Dyson, James - cyclonic hoover

Earth - our planet - information

Earthrace - Bio diesel world navigation

Earthquakes - Asia Appeal

Eastbourne fun run

Eastbourne lifeboat - training

Eastbourne Pier - Camera obscura

Ebay - Links - Online auctions

E Books

Ecocats - catamaran workboat

Ecofest - US Festival

Edison, Thomas Alva - light bulb

Education - World University Finder

Education - marine institutions

Educational solar kits - cars

Edward, Earl of Wessex

Einstein, Albert - theory of relativity

Electricity Distribution - a history

Electric Boat A - Z

Electric Boats - General Description

Electric Cycles - China

Electric Motors

Electric water speed records

Electricity & Magnetism

Elizabeth, Her Majesty, Queen

Ellen MacArthur - Christens Ocean Planet

Ellen Macarthur  CNN 'La petite Anglaise'

Ellen MacArthur - Der Spiegel

Ellen MacArthur  -  French report - MBE

Ellen Macarthur - London, Thames visit

Ellen MacArthur - Solo record log 2004

Ellen on starting blocks for attempt

Ellen MacArthur Trust - Time Magazine

Ellen Macarthur - NJR St Tropez

Ellen - Signed limited edition print

Ellen Macarthur - Telegraph Sport

Ellen MacArthur - Women Warriors

Elvis Aron Presley

Energy - History 1890 - 1936

English Heritage - electric history

English Marine Insurance Act 1906

English Nature


Environment Agency - UK

Enza - Jules Verne Trophy

Equator - Sunshine Route Waypoints

Equipment - manufacturers of marine

E T S U - Dti UK


Eugenie, Princess of York

European Commission Europa

European MP's - Euro MP's

Eurovision Song Contest - History

Evening Standard - Web v Radio Ads

Excite search engine

Expedition (world route)

Exploration - Great Explorers

Extinction Rebellion - climate change

Exxon Valdez - oil tanker

Fair Trade

Falmouth, Cornwall


Fastnet Yacht Race

FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation

Federal Express

Federation Aeronautique Internationale

Federation Internationale de L'Auotmobile

Ferdinand Magellan Portuguese explorer

Ferry - Car Ferries RORO

Figurehead - Solar Lady

FIFA - Football World Cup

Film Locations

Film Rights - Solar Navigator

Films - My Favorite 100

Financial Services Authority - FSA  

Financial Servcies & Market Act 2000

Fire on the Amazon - Sandra Bullock

FSA Handbook

First solar Pacific crossing

First solar Solent crossing

Fischer Panda - diesel-electric


Fish and Chips - Links

Fishing - Links      Fishing boats

Fishing - learn how to fly fish (lessons)

Flipper - Paul Hogan

Flight distance navigator - bird migration

Football and Soccer - Rules

Football World Cup

Formula One - Racing

Fort Bovisand - UK No1 diving school

Francis Joyon - IDEC trimaran - JAN 2008

Solo world record February 15 2013

Freight - Forwarding Service

Friends of the Earth

Fresnel, Augustine - Lens

Fridays For Futures - Schools protests

Frisian Nuon Solar Challenge - June 2006

Froude Number

Fuel Cells - A to Z - Fossil Fuels

Fuel Cells - basic types - hydrogen

Fuel Cells - battery alternative

Fuel Cells - Build your own by P Hurley

Fuel Cell Car Kit - reversible

Gdynia Naval shipbuilder

General Insurance Council Standards

Gestapo, The

George Bush - President USA

George Lucas - Director

George, Prince

Geothermal Energy - info + links

Gerhard Schröder

Ghost Ships - Mary Celeste (Amazon)

Gina Campbell - Agfa Bluebird powerboats

Glass & Carbon Fibre Moulding & repair

Gleneagles G8 - Comment

Gliding History - East Sussex Club

Global Flyer Team - Virgin Atlantic

Global Position System - GPS  links

Global warming - Climate change  UK

Global Warming 3 Degree Warning

Global Witness


Glynwed International


Google search engine

Gordon Brown MP - Labour Chancellor

Goss, Pete MBE - Team Phillips

Great Explorers

Greenheart Project

Greenhouse Gases

Green Party - Politics


Greenpeace International - links


Guinness book of world records

Hailsham Community College - Sport

Halle Berry  -  Catwoman


Hawker Hurricane

Harrison, John

Harry Duke of Sussex

Helen of Troy - Brad Pitt epic film

Helium gas

Henry the Navigator - of Portugal

Hercules H4 the Spruce Goose

Heritage Lottery Fund

Herstmonceux Castle School

Hewlett Packard

Horatio Admiral Nelson

Historic Building Conservation - UK

History of exploration

HMS Astute - British Royal Navy submarine

HMS Beagle

HMS Bounty

HMS Discovery

HMS Endurance

HMS Golden Hind

HMS Warrior - 1st iron hulled ship

Holiday Cabin weekly rental

Home Insurance - Direct Choice


Hong Kong

Horse Sanctuary - About

House of Commons - A - Z listing

House of Lords - A - Z listing

Hotbot search engine


How Things Work - Links

Howard Hughes - The Aviator

HRH Queen Ellizabeth II - 80th Birthday

HSBC and Horatio Hornblower

Hull design - (catamaran)

Hull drag - Hydrodynamics Tank Testing

Human Rights - European Convention

Hunter, Jameson - writer

Hurricanes Katrina Aug-Sept 2005

Hurricane Rita - September 2005

Hurricane Wilma - October 2005


Hydrofoil boats

Hydrogen gas

Hydrogen Expedition - Fuel Cell

IBM - International Business Machines

Ice and Icebergs - Giant Icebergs

IMF - International Monetary Fund

IMO - International Maritime Organization

IMDb - Internet Movie Database

Inca Empire - Peru - Inca Kola

Index - (homepage)

Industrial Archaeology - Links

Institute of Archaeology - London

Instruments - marine

Insurance - motorcycles  Cars, Vans

Insurance - Links  -  Forms

Insurance (marine) Lloyds Insurer

Intel Corporation USA

Internal Combustion Engine ICE

International Organisations

Internet - History

Inventors - Index - LinksBooks

Investment - Alternatives - FOREX

Isaac Newton - mathematician

Isla Phillips

Jack Brooksbank

Jacques Chirac - G8 Summit

James Bond  I Flemming  007 links

James Bond - Daniel Craig (new 2005)

James Bond - Orlando Bloom

James Bond & Solar Navigator

Jamie Oliver - School Dinners

James Viscount Severn

Jaws the Movie - Peter Benchley

Jaws - Cast 1975 blockbuster

J C Bamford - Excavators, Diggers

JCB - Andy Green Diesel Max LST

Jeep - Cherokee - For Sale

Jeeves search engine

Jet Ski - Kawasaki, Yamaha

Jewellery - Jewlery - Gold, Diamonds

Joe Biden - 46th President USA

John Ackroyd - Designer Thrust 2

John Cobb - Crusader

John Travolta - Grease, Pulp Fiction

Johnny Depp

John Prescott MP - Labour Party

Jose Manuel Barroso - Spain G8 summit

Joystick - car controls

J P Morgan - Investment Banker

Jules Verne - Around the World 80 Days

Jules Verne Trophy - History

Junichiro Koizumi - Japan G8 summit

Jurassic Park - Steven Speilberg

Justin Timberlake

K7 jet boat Ken Norris

Katherine Hudson


Kay, Nelson

Keir Starmer's Labour government Cabinet 2024

Kenichi Horie - Kon Ichikawa - Movie

Kenichi Horie's  - Voyages

Ken Norris - Designer K7

Kingfisher 2

Kingfisher Yacht Ropes

King Kong - Peter Jackson

Knots (rope) - Knot (speed) nautical mile

Kontiki expedition - Thor Heyerdahl Ra

Kopf - solar shuttle

Kort Nozzle

Kylie Minogue

Kyoto Protocol - Monteal December 2005

Labour Party UK Politics - 2024 Cabinet

Land Speed Records - History

Lantern - Solar powered


Lebensborn - eugenics et al

Lemon and Lime citrus fruits

Lena Tindall

Leonardo da Vinci - artist inventor

Leonardo Di Caprio

Liberal Democrats - UK Politics

Lifeboats - RNLI

Life Assurance

Life on Earth - Past, present and future

Lightning - Strike - WSR challenge

Lightning Strike construction

Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust

Links - Alternative energy

Links - multihull publications

Links - world records

Linux - Computer operating system

Linux - Links

Live Aid - Live 8 concerts - G8

L G Electronics - Korea

Lloyds of London - shipping register

Loch Lomond - Solar boat tours

Lockheed Martin - F16 Falcon

Lockheed Martin - Navatek, swath

London - The City - Congestion

London International Boat Show

Longitude, Board of

Lord Goldsmith QC - Attorney General

Louis of Cambridge

Louis Walsh - The X Factor

Louise Lady Windsor

Lucozade - energy drink  Australia Rally

Lusitania - Blue Riband 1907

Lycos search engine

Lynch Motor - Achievements

Lynch Motor (Cedric) - Online sales

M House - Portrait Artist, & Graphic Design

Mabuchi - motors + Co. Links


Malcolm Burwood - Captain


Manager (solarnavigator project)

Marine Accident  Investigation

Marine Insure Act 1993 - Canada

Mark Phillips, Captain

Martello Tower

Mary Rose - Henry VIII flagship

Marine Insurance History

Maritime History

Maritime Links - general listing

Mass - Weight Kilograms & Pounds

Maya Empire - Central America

Mayflower Autonomous Ship MAS 400

Mayflower voyage

Maxon - Swiss dc motors

MBE - Member British Empire

Mc Donalds - Responsible burgers

Media - TV Radio Newspapers

Meghan Markle Duchess of Sussex

Merchant Shipping Act 1988 - UK

Merchant Ship (accident) Act 2000

Meta Crawler - search engine

Mcht Ship Pass Boat Regs 2002

Merchant Shipping Redg Act 93

Merchant Ship Salvage Pollution Act 94

MI5 and MI6 secret intelligence service

Mia Grace Tindall

Microsoft - Widows XP 

Microsoft Corporation - Bill Gates

Mike Golding - Vedee Globe

Mike Horn - North Pole Arktos Expedition

Mike Tindall

Mile and Kilometre speeds - Distance



Miss Nickel Eagle

Mission Impossible - III

Mobile Homes UK - Affordable Housing

Mobile Homes & Caravans - Timber

Mobile Phones

Moby Dick 1956, 1930 Warner Bros

Model Boats - fast electrics - Dateline

Model Power Boat Association

Mohamed Al Fayed - Harrods

Mold making (mould) GRP

Money : Mortgages, Capital, Build Socs

Moon - heavenly body in orbit


Motors - electric - Motor Insurance

Motorolla V220 - Virgin PAYG

MP3 - Music storage format


Multihull books

Mummies - Pharoahs of Ancient Egypt

Music - Solarnavigator theme 

Music - Solar Navigator album

Mutiny on the Bounty - Mel Gibson - social networking site

Nancy Blackett - Swallows & Amazons

Naomi Watts - King Kong

Napoleon Bonaparte

NASA - Helios solar plane

NASA - Space Shuttle

National Boats Shows Ltd

National Geographic - Education

National Geographic Society - History

National Lottery - Camelot

National Trust, The - Conservation

NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation

Naval Academy - France - Architecture


Navigator, Jules Verne Solar Challenge

Ned Kelly - Australian Outlaw

Nelson, Horatio - commemorative medal

Neptune and Poseidon - Mythology

 - New Year's Eve

News SN   &  News Desks


Nigel Irens - Yacht designer

Nike - Sports shoes and trainers


Noah's Ark Satellite Search

Nobel Prize - Alfred Nobel

Nobel Peace Prize - Aung San Suu Kyi


Novels - adventure, romance, thrillers

Nuclear Power - Contamination

Oak trees - wood

Observatory Science Centre -  SX

Oceanography - What's out there?

Oceans and Seas - Technology Expo

Offshore Banking


Oi06 - Excel London Oceanology Forum

Oil Rigs

Oil - Spill 06 Exhibition, ExCel, London

Oil Tankers Oil consumption

Olympic Games

Olympic Games - London 2012

Omega digital electronic watch

OPEC - Oil Producers Cartel

Oranges - Citrus fruit and juices


Oxford and Cambridge - Boat Race


Paint - Artists, Vehicles, Construction

Panasonic - Electronics

Parliament & Lords - Houses of - MPs A - Z


Paul Martin - Canada G8 summit

PDA - Handheld Computers

Peace mission Peace Message

Pepsi Cola - Solar Cola

Pepsi Cola - Klamath Falls, Oregon

Perfect Storm - George Clooney

Peter Phillips

Petrol Crisis - The Petrol Wars


Philip Duke of Edinburgh

Photography - services

Photon 1- solar boat

Photon 2 - solar boat


Physics prize - NK

Phillips, Team - catamaran

Pilgrim Farthers - Mayflower voyage

Pirates of the Caribbean - Awards

Pirates of the Caribbean  - Links - Rating

Pizza - Pizza Hut

Planet Earth - BBC TV series

Planet Solar  New World Record 4 May 2012

Plato - Greek philosopher 427 - 328 BC, Atlantis writings

Plc's - Requirements and Advantages


Pollution - Environmental

Pop Idol - Gareth Gates and Will Young

Pop Music - Styles Defined

Porsche, Ferdinand

Port Agents - Bennett Gould Partners

Poverty - Famine, Social Inequality

President - USA - George Bush

Prestige oil spillage - Spain

Prime Minister, Deputy Office

Prince Alfred College - Adelaide

Prince Andrew - Charles - Edward

Prince HarryPhillip - William

Princess Anne - Margaret

Project Black Swan - Water Speed

Propellers - Design

Propellers - Links

Puch - electric cycle 'Gem 1'

Pubs - My favorite

Pyramids - Ancient Egypt

Qtronics Limited - Affordable PCB Design

Queen Elizabeth II - British Monarch 80 Facts

Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee

Queen Mary - Queen Victoria 

Quicksilver WSR boat - Nigel Mac Knight

Ra - Egyptian Sun God

Race For Life - Cancer Research


Radio control equipment - Futaba

Raft Race - Lewes to Newhaven

Rain - Rainbows - Rainbow Warrior

Raleigh - Sir Walter - explorer

Ratton Secondary School - Eastbourne Sx

R C Martin - Landscape Artist


Red Arrows - RAF formation flying

Red Bull - energy drink

Reebok - Sports shoes and trainers

Registered Designs

Registering Boats in the USA

Renewable Energy Links



Richard Branson - Business Week

Richard Branson - Channel record

Richard Branson, Sir

Richard de Rivaz - MDR Interfaces

Richards, Emma - Pindar

Rickshaw - Trike electric & solar

Ringmer Community College

Robbie Williams

Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Dafoe

Robots  Gembot

Robot building tips & parts

Robot part finder links

Robot Wars - Teams

Rolex - Watches

Rolls Royce - Flying Lady

Ropes chain and achoring

Rotary sails

Royal Air Force - RAF

Royal Family, British - links page

Royal Families - International Index

Royal Greewhich Observatory

Royal Mail - Adam Crozier

Royal Marines

Royal Navy - Submarines

Royal Yachting Association - Membership


Rudder design  Cat. Model rudder

Rudyard Kipling - Batemans

Rugby Football - Sport - Union - League

Rules of racing - UIM

Saatchi M&C - Advertising Agency


Sailboat Links (small)


Salvage - At Sea

Samsung - Electronics and SHI

Santa Maria - Pilgrim fathers

Sarah Duchess of York

Satellites -

Savannah Phillips

Save the Children - Charitable Org

Schitt's $ Creek

Sea Sickness - Medication search engine

Sewing Machines - History

Sextant - navigation instrument  Challenge 2005

School Strikes 4 Climate 15 March 2019

Scott of Antarctic - 1948 Film John Mills

Scottish Inventors

Scrap Heap Challenge - Ch 4 TV

Scrapheap Challenge - Robert Llewelyn

Sea Cadets - Eastbourne

Sea Work 2006 - Exhibition 2007

Seagulls - Eastbourne beach

Search Engines - What are they

Sewing Machines - history, antiques


Sharon Osbourne - The X factor

Sharp Corporation - Japan

Ships  Ships cat

Shell - Royal Dutch Oil Company

Ship Brokers - Bennett Gould Partners

Ship building - Insurance

Ships of the World

Ships - Greenpeace vessels

Silvio Berlusconi - G8 summit

Simpson Lawrence

Sir Alec Rose

Sir Chay Blyth

Sir Clive Sinclair - inventor C5

Sir Ernest Shackleton - Antarctic Explorer

Sir Francis Chichester

Sir Ken MacDonald QC DPP

Sir Peter Blake

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston

Skolstrejk For Klimatet - Greta Thunberg


Slocum Joshua 1st solo navigation

Slo mo shun - WWSR boat

Smugglers and Smuggling Links

Sodium Benzoate

Soil and Topsoil

Solar Boat History

Solar boats

Solar Boat - Ancient Egypt

Solar Buggy -  Beat the Petrol Crisis

Solar Car Directory A - Z

Solar Car Racing - Events Directory

Solar cars - Solar Car Links

Solar cells (PV panels)  How they work

Solar Cola - Refreshing new cola drink

Solar cycle

Solar Gondola - Italy

Solar Impulse flight challenge - world record

Solar installation design - UK

Solar Lady - figurehead

Solar Lady - Study

Solar model boats

Solar model boat racing 2002

Solar Navigator and the Lost Whale

Solar Navigator - The Movie

Solar Panels - manufacturers - Cells

Solar Power

Solar Power News Links

Solar powered lantern

Solar powered Rickshaw - Bluebird

Solar Powered Refrigerated Truck

Solar Proa - light outrigger craft

Solar Sailor

Solar Tracker electronics - testing

Solar Water Taxis - charging station

Solent - first solar crossing

Solar System

Solemar 25 and 50 


Sony Corporation - Japan

Sophie Countess of Wessex

South America


Sovereign Harbour, model testing

Sovereign Harbour - info

Spa Towns - Water

Space Technology - Space Shuttle


Speed controllers - electronic

Speed, length ratio

Speed Record Club  - Links - Links

Spirit of Australia WSR - Ken Warby



Stargate - Kurt Russell James Spader

Stars in Their Eyes - TV

Star Trek - TV Series

Star Wars - Movie

Statistics, water endurance

Statistics, water speed

Stealth Ships - Navy SEALS


Sterling Engine - External Combustion

Steve Fossett - Global Flyer

Steve  Fossett - Interview

Steve Fossett - Playstation

Steven Segal - Electric cycle

Stephen Spielberg director

Stephenson, George - Rocket

Stock Market - London - Exchange

Stonehenge - Ancient Monument

Storms - Wind rain and ice

Submarine - Trident Missile System

Sugar - Sugar Cane - Sugar Beet

Sundancer Holidays - Lombok

Sun Alliance

Sun - The Sun  Sun 21 transatlantic

Sun Microsystems

Sun Tracker - Design

Sun Tracker - Electronics

Sun Tracker - Wings

Suntory Maid - Ken'ichi Horie

Supermarine Spitfire


Surveyors - Liability Insurance

Sussex Bay - Marine rewilding project south coast of England

Sussex Boats

Sussex Express 10-12-99

Sussex Express 06-07-01

Sussex Express 17-08-01

Sussex - Index to towns and villages

Sustainable Shipping - Harmut Schaale

Swath model construction

Swath model electrics

Swiss Bank Accounts - Numbered

Swiss watch - Rolex

S.W.A.S.S.H. experiments

S.W.A.T.H. vessels  -  Technical

Sycamore trees - wood

Symantec - Norton Antivirus

Tank testing - swath - catamaran

Taxi - Water Taxis

Team, construction

Team Phillips - Pete Goss

Telecommunications - Telephone Mobiles

Telefonica Movistar - Volvo Ocean Race

Telescopes - History

Television - John Logie Baird


Terrorism - Causes and Remedies

Tesco - Supermarkets


The Apprentice - BBC TV series

The Beatles - Pop group Paul Mc Cartney

The British Army

The Fourth Reich

The Mummy - Brendan Fraser

The Old Bailey - London

The Royall Air Force

The Royal Navy

The Sun's Rotation

The X Factor - 2005/6

Thermo solar power station - Spain

Thin film deposit solar cells

Thor Heyerdahl - Kontiki

Time - Calendar and the Zodiac

Timothy Laurence, Vice Admiral

Titanic - Titanic Sinking

Titanic - Solar Powered Model


TM Summary


Tom Cruise

Tony Blair - G8 Summit

Tony Bullimore

Top Gear - Vampire Crash

Top Gun - Tom Cruise

Top of the Pops - BBC TV

Torch - Hand held



Trademarks  -  Act 1994 - Enforcement

Trafalgar Bi Centenary coin 1805 -2005

Trafalgar battle and campaign medal

Trafalgar - The Battle - Bicentenary

Trafalgar Square - Nelson's Column

Trampolining Olympic sport

Treasure Island  -  R L Stevenson

Trimaran - 1/20th model trials


Trinidad - Lesser Antilles (2)

Troy, Trojan Horse - The Movie

Transport Terminal Operators Liability

Tsunami - Asian tidal wave - History

Tsunami - Update aftermath contacts

Tsunami - Lost boy reunited

Tsunami - Paul & Heather Mc Cartney

Tsunami - Relief agencies

Tugs and Tugboats

Tutankhamun - Egyptian Boy King

Twissells Mill - Old Heathfield

Twitter - 

UEFA - Union European Football Assocs

Ultra Electric Motor - Power cycles

UNESCO - UN Education  Science - United Kingdom Commission

UNICEF - UN Children's Fund

Union Internationale Motornautique

Union Internationale - History

Union Jack

United Nations

United Nations - Sustainable dev.

UK Universities

USA for Africa

US Navy - Marines - USAF

Utopia Tristar - sustainable housing

Value Added Tax - VAT - & boats

Vanilla - Pods

Vehicle registration HAZ 2481 for sale

Vehicles - Automobile A - Z makers

Vehicle to Grid V2G mobile generation

Vendée Globe 2008

Vendee Globe race - Ellen MacArthur

Venture Capital

Venture Capitalists Investors Index

Vickers Marine

Victory - HMS 104 gun flagship

Virgin - Atlantic Challenger 1986

Virgin Atlantic Global Flyer - 80 hr

Virgin mobile - Cola - Solar Cola

Virgin Space travel - Galactic Enterprise


Vladimir Putin

Volodomyr Zelenskyy - Ukraine President

Volta (Allesandro)


Volvo Ocean Race Adopt Albatross

Volvo Ocean Race - 2005 - and 2006

Volvo Ocean Race - ABN AMRO 1 - 2

Volvo Ocean Race - Brasil 1

Volvo Ocean Race - Ericsson

Volvo Ocean Race - Pirates of Caribbean

Volvo Ocean Race - Premier Challenge

Volvo Ocean Race 2012

Vosper Thornycroft

Voyager - Dick Rutan & Jeane Yeager

Wallenius Wilhelmson - E/S Orcelle

Walt Disney - Cartoons and Films a-z

War and Reasons for War

War V Computers

Warner Brothers - Time Warner

Warren Buffett - £30billion foundation

Waste Recycling - Environment

Water - Water Links

Water Speed Record November 2005

Water Speed Records - World

Water Mills  -  Water Mill Links



Wave piercing hulls

Web Resources - General Links

Weddings - Exotic Tent Hire

Welding - TIG & MIG

Wealden - early iron industry

Wealden District Council

Whale - Charter a solar electric boat

Whales - Eco Frogs - Cyber Project

Whales - Marine mammals - Whaling


Whisby Nature Park

Whitbread Round the World Race

Whitbread RW Race - Results - Volvo

White Hawk - Frank Hanning-Lee

Wikipedias - Free Encyclopedia

William Duke of Cambridge

Wind generators


Windmill Hill - East Sussex, England

Windmill Hill - Restoration pictures

Windmill - student design

Windmills and efficiency

Windmill History - Europe & USA

Windmill Links

Windmill - rainbow generator

Windmills - Spanish

Wind tunnel design Details

Wind Turbines  -  In Action - Explained

Windows - Microsoft systems

Wingsails - Walker history - Boat listing

Winston Churchill

Wolfgang Petersen - Director


World Circumnavigation

World Energy Council WEC

World Government supporters

World Habitat Day - The Hague 2007

World Sailing Speed Record Council

World Shipping News - QM2

World Solar Challenge - Navigation

World War I - The Great War - First

World War II - World War III

World Wildlife Fund

World's fastest Indian - Burt Munro

Wright Brothers - Orville & Wilbur

Wright Brothers - Wind tunnel

World Bank Group

World Record Links Guinness Book

World Records

X Factor, The - Sharon Osbourne

Xi Jinping - World domination agenda

Yachts  -  Charter Links

Yacht Designers marine architects

Yacht design information

Yacht research projects

Yahoo search engine

Yamaha - Electric Rickshaw

Zara Tindall

Zholar - Zurich, Switzerland




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