Eastbourne pier is a grade II* listed building that is at risk according the English Heritage


Eastbourne pier is covered with old fishing nets that harm marine life



OCEAN POLLUTION - September 2015. Fishing nets are caught on the steel structure of the pier, proving that the English Channel is potentially dangerous for marine life. There is a vessel under development called SeaVax that could (in the future) patrol these shores vacuuming up plastic waste and chopping up fishing nets. The progress of such technology is entirely dependent on the availability of funding.




Paddle steamer at Eastbourne pier from 1906 to 1939



WOW - Happier times. Paddle steamers (such as the PS Brighton Queen and the PS Devonia) operated by P and A Campbell ran trips from the pier along the south coast and across the Channel to Boulogne from 1906 until the outbreak of the Second World War. These were resumed after the war, but the paddle steamers were gradually withdrawn from service. In 1957, the final season was operated by a motor vessel.

During the Second World War, part of the decking was removed and machine guns were installed in the theatre providing a useful point from where to repel any attempted enemy landings and a Bofors anti-aircraft gun was sited midway along the length of the pier. In December 1942, an exploding mine caused considerable damage to the pier and nearby hotels; it had been tied to the stanchions by the local police, who were under the mistaken impression that it was fitted with a safety device. In 1943, a detachment of Royal Canadian Engineers fixed camouflage netting over the stanchions to conceal flotillas of small vessels, such as wooden assault landing craft. A George Medal and a British Empire Medal were awarded to two of the engineers who dived into the sea on 3 February 1943 to rescue a comrade who had fallen from a cableway which crossed a 30-foot gap in the structure.





The Pier in Eastbourne suffered a fire on July 30, 2014 that ripped through a large amount of the central domed building. Sussex Police initially said that the fire was not to be treated suspiciously, though later the police said arson was suspected.

East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service deployed up to 80 officers to tackle the blaze, which allegedly started in wood paneling in the walls of the games arcade. After fighting the fire through the night, fire officers eliminated the main 'hotspots', and saved two thirds of the pier with the main arcade being the only large building affected. The outer pavilion was not reached by the fire, which came just two weeks before Eastbourne's largest tourist event on the seafront, the airshow Airbourne.

A few days after the air show in 2014, a workman on the pier fell through the destroyed part and died hours later. A year and a few more weeks later 11 people died in the crash at Shoreham air show.











30 July 2014 - DAILY MAIL


The main roof of the pier, built in the East Sussex seaside town in the 1870s, has been completely destroyed, leaving only a metal skeleton.

The pier was evacuated. No-one was injured in the fire and police said it was not thought to be suspicious.

The fire service said late on Wednesday the incident was being scaled down and 30 firefighters were expected to stay at the scene overnight.

Eastbourne Borough Council leader David Tutt said he was hopeful the pier could be repaired and understood the fire had been started by an electrical fault.

"The emergency services have done a fantastic job," he said.

"The fact that as far as we're aware that nobody's hurt - we're not aware of anybody unaccounted for - they evacuated the site very quickly and they've managed to contain it to that front dome so there's hope of getting the pier restored.

"The building which has been affected is the largest dome on the pier, and it has been badly damaged - but further down it looks as it's always looked.

"My understanding... [is] it looks as if there was a problem with electrics in the wall of the dome between the two layers of the wall there and that seems to be where it started."

The blaze broke out behind some wood panelling in the arcade building and billowing smoke filled the air.

Sian Ellis, a hotel manager in the town, said it was an "absolute red, molten, mess of flame and smoke".

"We've just had another explosion there and it's very, very frightening and hugely saddening for the whole of the town," she said.

Fire minister Penny Mordaunt said she would be visiting Eastbourne "as a priority" to speak to local people and thank firefighters for their efforts.

"It is heart-breaking to see such a wonderful Victorian pier so damaged. Thankfully no-one appears to have been hurt," she said.







Eastbourne Pier - A sorry sight and a costly situation for insurers and the operators







COASTAL COMMUNITIES MINISTER: Penny Mordaunt paid a visit to Eastbourne and Hastings to see the devastation and progress, respectively. Eastbourne is a pier with serious financial problems where it appears that the limited income generated from traders cannot pay for the upkeep of a listed structure. When this happens many listed buildings collapse and disappear. Piers on the other hand seem to have a high incident rate of fires, a convenient remedy to eliminate a duty to the historic built environment.






DOWNING STREET: David Cameron and George Osborne met up with Caroline Ansell to discuss help that the Government may be able to offer by way of relief for traders as a result of the fire on the pier.






About 80 firefighters had tackled the blaze in the privately-owned pier, East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service said.

A fire service spokesman said at one stage: "Firefighters are using lifeboats to help tackle the fire from the sea and an aerial platform is being used as a water tower to prevent the fire from spreading on the shore side."

He said crews had gone onto the pier from the seaward end to stop the fire spreading further along the structure.

Mark Sawyer, coxswain of Eastbourne Lifeboat, said: "The main structure is gone now and it's a metal shell."

Councillor Philip Ede, from Eastbourne Borough Council, who witnessed the fire, said: "It looks pretty drastic from where I'm standing.

"There's a lot of smoke and flames engulfing the first section of the pier. We pray the fire brigade can save as much of the building as possible."

Des Pritchard, East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service's chief fire officer, said: "Our firefighters have saved a huge amount of the pier - there's a great deal that's still there. It is very sad but pier fires are very difficult to fight and many result in the complete loss of the pier."

A police spokeswoman added: "It has been confirmed that the pier was safely and quickly evacuated and there was no-one trapped by the fire when it broke out. The fire is not believed to be suspicious at this time."




Taking down Eastbourne pier with gas cutting torches



UNCANNY - How is it that so many piers go up in flames? That is a question on the minds of many a citizen along the south coast of England. We all know that times are hard for pier operators, and that gets one thinking. Hasting, Brighton and now Eastbourne have all had pier fires. In Brighton they gave one of the piers away for almost nothing in the hope that a private group could raise the money to restore it.





Steel reinforcing stays will extend the life of the pier



SUPPORTS - Recent work on Eastbourne pier include these heavy duty fabricated steel collars and triangulation ties. The pier though is built of iron and steel that rust very quickly in the presence of the salt in seawater. In other words, the pier in on a slow burning countdown to a pile a reddish-brown powder. No matter how you look at it, eventually the pier will crumble - unless there is a proper replacement and maintenance plan. For that, you need an income that is sustainable.





Steel girder beams rusting away on Eastbourne Pier



STEELWORKS - A view underneath the pier reveals that a number of beams have been replaced with galvanised triangulated versions of a different design to the sawtooth originals, and that yet more will soon need replacing. The condition of the pier is not good as at September 2015.






WHOA - Yup, that is more fishing nets. We would not want to be a dolphin, whale or shark in this region.



Ant Miller, who was on the beach when the fire broke out, said it quickly spread throughout the building.

"There's quite a warm breeze here in Eastbourne today so it took pretty quickly," he said.

"Within 20 minutes or so, lots of flames, lots of smoke. When we noticed it, it looked like the pier was evacuated pretty much immediately."

Eastbourne MP Stephen Lloyd said it looked like the pier had been saved from being completely destroyed.

"The good news is that we don't have a Brighton or Hastings scenario where the whole pier is destroyed," he said.







EXTINCTION LOOMS - When this happens to an operation teetering on the brink financially, it is the beginning of the end, unless some serious action is taken. It will take someone with deep pockets to restore  this building. The previous owners Six Piers, applied for permission to take the structure down but then sold up before being required to put it back. Along came another owner with no money, who wanted to raise money by charging an entry fee of £2. If this trustee did not have the cash to make good without upsetting the people of Eastbourne, why purchase it. There was (and is) a charity that is prepared to do the job without inconveniencing the population.







PENNY ARCADE - The is the entrance to the Blue Room, the building that burned to the ground in July of 2014. The Fire Brigade should have brought hoses (or made sure that they could bring hoses) from the entrance of the pier to inside these buildings. Even better, we would suggest that in view of the huge number of pier fires, that a law should be introduced to ensure that piers have sprinklers installed and/or are capable of being fed from the sea over which they stand. Fraudulent insurance claims are way too tempting for pier operators who are not making sufficient profits.







SOUTHERN QUEEN - A beach launched pleasure cruiser that was once a major attraction on Eastbourne beach. The town appears to be on a slide away from being the seaside attraction it once was. It does not help that the location makes it far harder to reach by car than other popular destinations. Brighton and Hastings are much easier to drive to. The A27 and A22 need a lot of work to try and equal the score.





Airbourne, one of Eastbourne's biggest events, is due to take place on the seafront between 14 and 17 August.

The pier was built in the 1870s and, according to the Piers Society, previously had a theatre and a "camera obscura" built on it.

Today, a number of cafes, bars and a nightclub are situated along the pier.

It has featured in films and television programmes including the Michael Caine movie Last Orders and Brit flick Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging.

Hastings Pier was almost entirely destroyed by fire in 2010 and the West Pier in Brighton burned down in 2003. With these statistics you'd have to be crazy to invest in a pier. Either that or a latent arsonist waiting patiently with a camera for the sparks to fly.










Eastbourne boasts a lovely pier, which although modernised many times still retains much of its Edwardian splendour.  The gift shops, sweet shops, bars and restaurants still make it a very pleasurable place to wander on a pleasant summer afternoon.  At night the splendid illuminations cannot fail to impress the visitor.



  Eastbourne pier sunset



Eastbourne Pier - The East Side in daylight and West side of the Pier at night







Eastbourne Pier - An old postcard depicting the ocean scene at night. For over ninety years this icon has graced the town of Eastbourne. It is part of Eastbourne folklore and a heritage to be proud of. In addition, such assets tell the story of mans progress, likes and dislikes. The fire damaged building simply must be rebuilt. A petition to replace the icon is gaining ground as of 20-11-15.





The Eastbourne Pier Company was first formed in the year of 1865. After considerable debate a site was decided on at the junction of Marine Parade and Grand Parade. A special Act: The Eastbourne Pier Act 1865. was passed through Parliament and the land under the sea was purchased from the Crown. The limits then laid down still apply today; 'The Pier must not be expanded or extended". The land at the shoreward end was leased from the Local Board at the amount of five shillings a year for 99 years and this was paid through the years, until 1988, when the local 'County Council' finally decided it was no longer feasible to collect the 25 pence charge.

The Architect was Eugenius Birch, who also designed Margate, Deal and Brighton West Pier. The first pile was driven in on 18th April 1866, by the Marquis of Hartington and four years later, on 12th June 1870, the first part of the scheme was opened by Lord Edward Cavendish. A report in the Eastbourne Standard for 1870 gives the following details: The total length of the Pier will be about 1000 feet and will terminate with a spacious head, having landing stages on either side so that steamers can land passengers at any state of the tide. Since the death of J E Dowson, the former contractor, the works have been carried out by Messrs Head, Wrightson and Co. the present contractors, under the superintendence of Henry Matravers (the resident engineer), and the whole of the pier iron-work has been casted within their Teesdale Iron Works - at Stockton-on-Tees'.





Eastbourne pier under repair Sept 2015





During the mid 1990's there were only about three spans of girders actually erected. However, since that period, four more spans have been added. The Pier now runs out at a distance of five hundred feet. The Pier has a clear deck width of twenty-two feet affording comfortable seating on either side, with the whole of its length being relieved by two recesses 68 feet wide. The body of Eastbourne Pier will eventually consist of twelve bays, or spans, of girders 60 feet long, which will be supported by cast iron columns let into very strong screw piles penetrating deep into the bed of the sea at a distance of seven feet. The sea bed consists of very hard blue clay. The columns are twelve inches in diameter and 25 feet in length fixed into screw piles eight feet long. The second recesses, when finished, will form a convenient space for refreshment stalls - whilst the band, throughout the summer months, will perform to the delight of the 
many Eastbourne visitors.

Work on the Pier, as originally designed, was completed in the year of 1872. At around this time, Eastbourne Pier was little more than a promenade and a landing stage. At the Pier Head, i.e. the seaward end, there were originally four individual kiosks accompanied by a windbreak. Over the following three years, however, it became so seriously damaged that the whole structure had to be materially strengthened. Unfortunately, this was to little avail, as in the severe storm that took place on the 1st January 1877, the whole of the shoreward end was sadly washed away. The seas had risen above the main deck and the breakers were too much for it. This portion was rebuilt considerably higher than the old level and was joined to the seaward end with a slope. The deck consisted of all wooden planks - supported on the iron framework; with heavy wooden joists.




Eastbourne pier's camera obscura



The Camera Obscura Dome - now restored. A camera obscura (Latin: "dark chamber") is an optical device that led to photography and the photographic camera. The device consists of a box or room with a hole in one side. Light from an external scene passes through the hole and strikes a surface inside, where it is reproduced, inverted (thus upside-down), but with color and perspective preserved. The image can be projected onto paper, and can then be traced to produce a highly accurate representation. The largest camera obscura in the world is on Constitution Hill in Aberystwyth, Wales.

Using mirrors, as in an 18th-century overhead version, it is possible to project a right-side-up image. Another more portable type is a box with an angled mirror projecting onto tracing paper placed on the glass top, the image being upright as viewed from the back.

As the pinhole is made smaller, the image gets sharper, but the projected image becomes dimmer. With too small a pinhole, however, the sharpness worsens, due to diffraction. Most practical camerae obscurae use a lens rather than a pinhole (as in a pinhole camera) because it allows a larger aperture, giving a usable brightness while maintaining focus.

In 13th-century England, Roger Bacon described the use of a camera obscura for the safe observation of solar eclipses. At the end of the 13th century, Arnaldus de Villa Nova is credited with using a camera obscura to project live performances for entertainment. Its potential as a drawing aid may have been familiar to artists by as early as the 15th century; Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519 AD) described the camera obscura in Codex Atlanticus. Johann Zahn's Oculus Artificialis Teledioptricus Sive Telescopium, published in 1685, contains many descriptions, diagrams, illustrations and sketches of both the camera obscura and the magic lantern.





The first theatre was built in the year of 1888 at the seaward end. It held three to four hundred people, had a flat floor and cost £250.00 to erect. The Pier Master and a Deck Hand ran it. When it was taken down, it was carted off to Lewes in one piece and used as a cattle shed. The second theatre was  built from 1899-1901. It had no pillars to obstruct the view and the balconies were built on the cantilever principle. Also, in this complex was a bar, the Camera Obscura, a Cafe and the Pier offices. There was no heating laid on until 1906, yet shows were laid on all year round. It was used every summer, except during the Second World War, until 1970. In January of that year, a Pier employee of three weeks standing, set fire to the theatre. As luck would have it, the safety curtain was down and special non-flammable paint was always used but it was so badly damaged that; it was closed down and converted into a nightclub - called the Dixieland Showbar.


The landing stage was built in the year of 1893. Before that, there was a very narrow monkey run. Three berths were built, one facing out to sea, one facing east and one west. It was a wooden structure and was extended in 1912. It was built of Greenheart and Jarrah. Greenheart comes from Guyana in South America, is very hard and is resistant to marine borers. It was widely used for dock piles and underwater work where long life and durability are necessary. Jarrah comes from Australia and is a species of Eucalyptus. It is a heavy hardwood with great strength. It is fire resistant and very durable. After the Second World War, a concrete landing stage was built with metal gratings. It is a yearly job to clear the honeycomb gratings of barnacles, which fill the holes and form a solid mass. When the waves collide, it lifts the gratings and can inflict severe damage.


In 1901, two games saloons, mid-way along the Pier were opened and in 1902 and 1903, heavy cast iron windscreens decorated with dolphins were installed. In 1925, the shoreward end was widened for the erection of a Music Pavilion seating 900 people. This was used for many years as a ballroom and later became an Amusement Arcade. There have been three different entrance buildings. The first remained until 1912 and the second was replaced in 1951, by the present kidney shaped flat roofed building. The Camera Obscura is still in the dome above the Atlantis (formerly called The Roxy) but no longer open to the public since the fire. It was run, before the outbreak of World War II, by a Mr Pelly, who also doubled as an agent for the Steamer Company.




Eastbourne Pier, lovely sunny day by the seaside 



Eastbourne Pier - (left) view looking out to sea from the starboard side, and (right) a SeaVax project member taking in the sea air. 




After the war the Camera Obscura was restored. The room is circular and windowless, and the whole of the roof revolves on huge ball bearings. The silver surfaced mirror and lenses are mounted at an angle of 45 degrees in the dome. As the roof is turned, the mirror reflects the image of the scene outside and projects it onto a white emulsioned bowl about six feet across. The picture is moving, and in colour, and shows up brilliantly in the darkened room. One evening in May, 1940, an Army Officer duly arrived at the Pier with orders to blow it up so that it could not be used by the enemy for invasion purposes. The army was persuaded to wait until the show finished, but as the audience left the Pier, sappers were placing explosive charges in place. In the end, it was decided not to blow it up, but to remove a large section of the deck. 

During the war a machine-gun crew was stationed on the Camera Obscura and a Bofors gun was at the shoreward end of the pier. A 10,000 gallon water tank near the Obscura was holed by aircraft fire and the water swamped the offices below. The Pier suffered badly from vandalism during the war - many things were stolen including the seats and curtains of the theatre for a garrison theatre at Newhaven. A mine exploded near the shoreward end pushing in the side of the ballroom and depositing ten tons of beach on the roof. The under structure was not damaged at all. After the war, thin concrete slabs were laid to join up the pier again, as a permit could not be obtained for wood. The slabs are only three-quarters of an inch thick in the middle. Since then, the whole of the pier has been slabbed except for the wide seaward end. Wooden planking has been retained in this area because of the movement of the pier in storms and rough weather.






Various traditional pier theatres were built over the years but after the last one was destroyed by fire in 1970, it was replaced by a nightclub and bar which remain to this day. On the landward half of the pier stands a fish and chip kiosk, an amusement arcade and a fast food outlet. Further out, as well as the club there is a cafe, a restaurant, a glassblower, a clothes shop and an ice cream shop. The tower at the end of the pier is often used as a viewing point during the annual air show.

In May 2009, the Listed building status of the Pier was upgraded from Grade II to Grade II*. Six Piers Limited placed Eastbourne Pier up for sale in 2009, with an asking price of £5.5 million. The sale price included a tea room, two bars, an amusement arcade and a nightclub.




The first entertainment was a band playing in the bandstand on the Pier head in the early 1870's. At first, concerts were given on Sundays, but local opinion was very much against this and the Duke of Devonshire, the chief shareholder in the Company, was called upon to stop them. They were allowed, after devine service and were supposed to be of a religious nature. Finally, they were withdrawn altogether. Even as late as 1926, no kiosks were allowed to open on a Sunday. Towards the end of the 1870's, the bandstand was moved to the middle deck and was removed altogether after the Second World War. Minstrels and other concert parties including the Knuts Kamp Komedy Kompany, from the Summerdown Convalescent Camp during the 1914-18 war, performed on the bandstand. It was stated that if you were good enough to get into the Blue Boy's Concert Party - then you ultimately enjoyed a far greater convalescence than was really required.


The concert parties developed into the popular Summer shows, which became bigger and better and were regularly performed in the theatre. Previous to this, plays and musicals were witnessed there and the first talking pictures in Eastbourne were actually shown there. The old projectors were sold after the Second World War. Sandy Powell and his 'Starlight' company did fifteen summer seasons in a row until the disastrous fire in January 1970 closed the theatre down. In the Dixieland Showbar there were modern pop groups at weekends, Cabaret shows during the week and dancing on Wednesdays. The Ballroom was used for dancing from the time it opened until recent years, when the public taste changed from ballroom dancing to discotheques. It was called the 'Blue Room' (later called Funtasia). A large number of automatic machines were also installed within the pier which provided alternative entertainment for 
visitors during wet weather.




A wedding on Eastbourne pier, the ocean suite



THE OCEAN SUITE - Was launched in July 2010, since when it has been a venue to celebrate Weddings, Birthdays, Christenings, Christmas. To book the Suite contact Leanne Deakin on 01323 410467

Summer Package May - September Room Hire, Sunday-Friday £1400.00. Saturday - £1750.00 prices include VAT
. A winter package deal is offered based on 40 day guests and an additional 40 evening guests (80 total guests) with more guests added at a charge per guest.


The winter package includes Arrival Drink, 3 Course Wedding Breakfast, Toasting Drink, Linen, Crockery, Cutlery, Glasswear, Front of House Waiting Staff and Events Manager, Chefs and Kitchen Support Staff, for an advertised £3,500 including VAT and room hire.






Eastbourne Pier - view from the Camera Obscura to seafront





Steamers: Paddle steamers used to call at the pier to pick up passengers. Often two would come from different directions and would race in to beat the other to get the passengers and their money. The Pier master would see to it that strong timbers were put out to protect the pier. Cambell's Steamers ran from  the pier between the wars but many of them were lost during the Second World War, especially at Dunkirk - and some were even blown up by mines at sea. The Empress Queen was on the stocks when war broke out. She was requisitioned by the Navy and used in Scotland as a troop carrier. She was 1,750 tons and a screw powered vessel. She hadn't much steerage in shallow water and would have to drift in to berth at the pier. She was really too large for the piers to handle and eventually Brighton, and Eastbourne, both refused to handle her.

In 1870, shortly after the official opening in June of that year, a Bandstand was built on the middle deck and, in addition to the Bands of the day, Concert Parties also performed there. The first steps, it appeared, had been taken along the entertainment highway. In 1888, the first Theatre was erected at the Pier Head - with level floor capacity reaching up to 400. In 1901, the Pier Head Theatre was removed and the new Pier Theatre was opened with a capacity of approximately 1100. Shows were presented there throughout the year and this, in spite of the fact that heating wasn't installed until five years later. The Theatre itself was an integral part of a complex, affording Restaurant and licensed bar facilities, along with the administrative offices and the Camera Obscura which was housed in the Dome. The same year saw the erection of the Games Saloons - sited half way along the pier - which today operate as Gift, and Souvenir, shops.

In 1902, the theatre, was home to traditional pier theatre shows including the late great Sandy Powell who was supported by Norman Meadow. Later on, Norman went on to be a General Manager of the Pier after the theatre was destroyed by fire. In 1906, an old Pier Theatre programme was to announce, amongst it's forthcoming attractions, another first. St.Louis Animated Pictures - in other words, films. In 1912, the kiosks at the entrance to the pier were enhanced by the building of new entrances, these in turn were demolished in 1951 and replaced by new buildings. Between World War I and World War II, therefore, the Theatre and the Music Pavilion irrefutably prospered. Star artistes of the day featured in both the Touring Productions and the resident Summer Shows - but the time for even further change, it appeared, was fast approaching.




Eastbourne seafront



Eastbourne's beaches are advertised as being exceptionally well maintained - and they are compared to other beaches because the town depends on tourism for a living. These beaches pass the European standards for bating water and yet .....





Ocean pollution and not a Global Commissioner in sight



That may not be as accurate as the local authority would have you believe. This picture was taken by our roving reporter during a 30 minute stroll along the shore on the 6th of September 2015. He found litter all along the beach from Fort Fun to the pier. He did not venture further to the known pollution black spots under the cliffs. Beaches are subject to a visual appraisal for debris. It is a simple matter to arrange for such inspection after the beaches have been tidied - usually specifically for such inspections.







ENTRANCE - This is an incredibly lackluster entrance. It is a jumbled collection of cheap printed plastic hoardings with no obvious theme. It smacks of random banner advertising, rather than a major attraction - and that is because the pier as it is currently operated is not a major attraction. The pier is not suitable for adaptation to a fun park, or for amusement rides and the like. It is simply too small for that. Such amusements are not in any event in keeping with the original design brief.




During 1925, at the Promenade entrance, the Music Pavilion was erected - with a capacity of 900. Evenings of concert music and Summer Shows were a feature until the introduction of Ballroom Dancing. A further change in the late 1960's announced the opening of The Blue Room Family Leisure Centre. The centre today is still a major feature of the pier's activities. In 1969, the Company and the Pier was taken over by Trusthouse Forte Leisure Ltd, a subsidiary of Trusthouse Forte Ltd, and in 1980 was registered as a private company. In 1970, the Pier Theatre was destroyed by fire. However, the remainder of the complex survived and, is still in evidence today.  


After the Theatre was destroyed by fire, the owners at that time decided to build a discotheque in order to move with the times. Over one million pounds later, Eastbourne Pier saw the completion of the fabulous nightspot known as the 'Atlantis Nightclub' - which comfortably holds 870 people. The new 'Copa Bar' holds up to 300 people and also presents a commanding panorama over the English Channel. At the front of the pier, the old 'Blue Room', originally a ballroom, later became the' "Funtasia Family Entertainment Centre', boasting some of the latest technological advances in amusements - in a surrounding enhanced by the preservation of its original Victorian opulence.  On the 29th May 1996, Eastbourne Pier was refurbished - recreating its Victorian splendour. Since then it has gone downhill. It needs another facelift desperately.




Miss Ocean event manager, Hayley, inspecting the rotting landing jetty



LANDING STAGE - Hayley is the event manager for the Miss Ocean water sports pageant that could be hosted in Eastbourne one day. The Cleaner Ocean Club Ltd (COC) team were inspecting the structure to work out how much money it would take to get this Dodo of an operation back as a going concern, should the pier ever come up for sale. The ace in the hole for the COC is that they have a major maritime exhibition planned as part of a museum annex, that will make Eastbourne Pier one of the places to visit on the south coast. We cannot reveal what the exhibition will contain, because once rival potential bidders know how to do it, they will use the COC's know how as part of their bids. The COC is more than willing to work with other bidders to forge a stronger alliance, by way of becoming Pier Partners.




In celebrating the climax of its half million pound refurbishment, the pier was lit up for the first time in it's 124-year history - an event that was accompanied by a major firework display. The pier's traditional Gift shops, Lace shop, Palmist, Glass Blower and Jewellery Maker were joined by a new pier-end Waterfront Inn with a pub-style food menu - along with Eastbourne's first Burger King." On the 1st September 1998: First Leisure Corporation Resorts Division sold to Leisure Parcs Limited. In addition to Eastbourne Pier, Leisure Parcs Ltd also own Blackpool Tower and the Winter Gardens, along with Southsea Pier, Llandudno Pier and all three Blackpool piers. The pier was taken over by Cueden Leisure but is now owned by Crown Entertainment Centres.


For centuries, the sea has held a certain fascination and people have been drawn to coastal resorts. The British seaside appears to have retained a special magnetism, and this may have something to do with the fascinating structures made fashionable by the Victorians. Piers were designed to be as individual as the character of the particular resort where they were placed, but the primary function of most of them was to provide an area for 'promenading' or 'taking the air'. Later they were adapted to incorporate landing stages for the increasing paddle steamer trade. At the beginning of the 20th century there were some 100 piers dotted around our coastline, but the number surviving today has dwindled to 54, and the condition of these varies enormously. During the last 10 years some have been splendidly restored, others are awaiting funds for restoration work, and some are sadly disappearing slowly with dereliction. The framework of many piers show incredible engineering skills, and this was coupled with a certain panache that the 19th century entrepreneurs had for embellishing and ornamenting their structures. These are a unique legacy, quintessentially British, and oozing with nostalgia.



The $Billion Dollar whale, adventure story with John Storm


A heartwarming adventure: Pirate whalers V conservationists

with a $billion dollars riding on the outcome.






BBC news eastbourne pier burns down uk england sussex

Wikipedia Eastbourne_Pier

ITV news 2014-08-01 Eastbourne pier fire now treated as suspicious police say

The Ocean Suite weddings

Eastbourne pier the Ocean Suite















Christina and Hanna, Sunshine Girls



Sunshine Girls: Chrissy and Hanna enjoyed this view in 2006 - with the pier still intact. It looked a lot better in 2006, but was still tame in terms of attraction pulling power.





What will be left for our children in years to come



INHERITANCE: There are stormy times ahead for Eastbourne pier. What will be left for this young lad, when in years to come he takes his children down to the seaside?


























































Eastbourne Pier - Youtube








Aden - Yemen







Atlantis - Plato's Lost City



Aztecs - Mexico


Beachy Head, England



Bonneville, Utah, USA


Brighton - West Pier


Canary Islands

Cape York - Au

Cayman Islands

Chichester Harbour


Columbo - Sri Lanka

Cowes, Isle of Wight



Darwin - Australia


Eastbounre Pier, England





Falmouth, Cornwall




Galapagos Islands

Geography Links

Geography Records

Geography Resources

Geography Statistics


Gibraltar - Links






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Hollywood, California, LA

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Isle of Man

Isle of Wight - The Needles



Jakarta - Java


Kent, England



Life on Earth

London - Big Ben

London Eye

London Houses Parliament

London - Buckingham Palace

London - Old Bailey

London - Overview

London - The City

London - Tower Bridge

London - Trafalgar Square


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Melbourne, Australia



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National Geographic

New York

New Zealand


Oceans and Seas





Palermo - Sicily

Palma - Malorca

Panama Canal - Links


Planet Earth


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Port Said - Egypt




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Suez Canal

Sussex, England Index



Tahiti - Polynesia - Links


Tokyo, Japan

Tonga - Polynesia

Trinidad - Lesser Antilles


Tunbridge Wells, England


UAE - United Arab Emirates

UK Statistics


United Kingdom

United Kingdom - Gov







Washington D.C.

Wealden iron industry

World Peace Supporters





The Devonshire Project, Duke of, WIlliam Cavendish



Eastbourne pier is ripe for a takeover bid

Eastbourne pier and Atlantis night club







Solar Cola drinkers care about planet earth


.. Thirst for Life


Planet Earth Solar Cola can 330 mil


(330ml Planet Earth can)







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