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The State of Israel (Hebrew: מְדִינַת יִשְׂרָאֵל); Medinat Yisra'el; Arabic: دَوْلَةْ إِسْرَائِيل‎, Dawlat Isrā'īl) is a country in Western Asia on the southeastern edge of the Mediterranean Sea. It is a parliamentary democracy and the world's only Jewish state.





In an unprecendented night time attack on April 13, 2024, Iran launched more than 300 drones and missiles at Israel. Simultaneously, Hezbollah fired dozens of Grad rockets at Israel Defense Forces positions in the Golan Heights. What followed was a barrage of missiles that met a wall of resistance.

Israel’s Arrow 3 interceptors hit ballistic missiles while they were still in space. At lower altitudes, David’s Sling missiles, which resemble the U.S. Patriot, took out even more. Meanwhile, U.S. warships and aircraft shot down some attackers. The last line of defense was Israel’s famed Iron Dome, a network of short-range interceptor missiles guided by radar.

Israel had defeated virtually the entire attack, swatting cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, rockets, and drones from the sky. And that was by design.

“Israel is a narrow strip of land with dense urban population centers. That does not leave much depth, so there is a premium on intercepting threats in flight,” explains James Black, assistant director at RAND Europe, a nonprofit think tank.

But Israel’s sophisticated, multi-layered integrated air-defense systems couldn’t stop everything. Nine Iranian missiles reportedly struck Nevatim and Ramon Airbases, and one person was injured by shrapnel. The waves of drones, missiles, and rockets synchronized to hit simultaneously were meant to overload Israeli defenses and exhaust stocks of interceptors. The wall held well this time, but Israeli planners know it’s a numbers game.

“Looking at both Israel and Ukraine, we are seeing defenders burning through missiles faster than industry can replace them,” Black says. So, Israel wants an air-defense system that never runs out of ammunition: Iron Beam.

A $1.2 billion U.S. aid package will help fund deployment of Iron Beam, Israel’s one-of-a-kind, high-power laser system designed to knock down missiles, rockets, and drones. It’s a big bet on unproven technology—but success would yield an almost invincible defensive shield.

Assuming all goes to plan, Iron Beam will be a lifesaver for the Israelis, who suffer regular aerial attacks. Yemen’s Houthi Rebels alone have lobbed more than 220 kamikaze drones and missiles at Israel since the war with Hamas broke out in October 2023. And then there is Iran and Hezbollah, of course.

As weapons proliferate and ranges increase, America could one day face the same problem—but lasers could solve that issue at the speed of light.








OFFICIALLY KNOWN AS “SHIELD OF LIGHT,” Iron Beam is a 100 kilowatt-class High-Energy Laser Weapon System, which Rafael Advanced Defense Systems first unveiled in 2014. Rafael is also a contractor on Iron Dome.

“Iron Beam will not replace Iron Dome, but complement it. Directed Energy offers a way to prioritize kinetic interceptors against the threats they are most needed for,” Black says. Specifically, Iron Beam will be integrated as an additional short-range layer to destroy threats up to 4.3 miles away.

Unlike missiles, Iron Beam can keep firing as long as it has power.

“Much of the interest in lasers stems from the magazine depth they offer,” Black says. “This is not quite infinite - parts and energy supplies do not last forever - but they do give a very deep magazine compared to batteries of missiles.”

Another important aspect is the cost per intercept. One Iron Dome interceptor missile costs $40,000–$50,000, according to Israel’s Institute for National Security Studies. While cruise missiles can run to millions of dollars, Iran’s long-range Shahed-136 drones are simple, low-tech machines costing less than $30,000 apiece. Hamas mainly relies on Qassam home-made rockets, assembled from industrial pipes and improvised explosives, costing less than $1,000 each.

“It comes down to a cost equation,” says Mark Neice, CEO of Directed Energy Consultants, an Albuquerque, New Mexico-based firm that provides technical consultations on high-energy lasers. “The current system is effective but it’s expensive. When you’re shooting off $50,000 missiles against $10,000 targets, how long can you sustain being on the wrong end of the cost curve?”

In 2022, Naftali Bennett, then Prime Minister of Israel, said that Iron Beam would cost just $2 per intercept, fending off any number of attacks at a negligible cost.

Iron Beam also reduces the risk of collateral damage. Interceptions often take place over populated areas, and the Iron Dome’s supersonic Tamir interceptor missiles weigh 200 pounds each; an engine failure or misfire could cause serious damage as a result. But a laser always goes exactly where it’s pointed, and will not fall to Earth somewhere unexpected.


IRON BEAM WAS SUCCESSFULLY TESTED in 2022, with deployment originally planned for two to three years later. To expedite that timeline, President Biden approved a $15 billion military aid package for Israel back in April, with $1.2 billion earmarked for Iron Beam. Earlier plans described this as R&D funding, but now the money is meant for procurement.

But this is not the first attempt to field a defensive laser. “There have been repeated rounds of excitement—or cycles of hype—over Directed Energy for decades,” Black says.

The U.S. currently has as many as 31 laser programs (Pentagon researchers have been shooting down drones with lasers since 1973), but has struggled to field robust, reliable systems.

The XN-1 LaWS (“Laser Weapon System”), installed on the U.S. Navy amphibious warfare vessel USS Ponce in 2014, was sent to the Persian Gulf but never fired a zap in action. A review found LaWS had issues with tracking and destroying small targets, and the weapon was ultimately shelved.

The U.S. Army is currently fielding lasers to protect troops from drones launched by insurgents in Iraq. But an MSN piece states “feedback from soldiers thus far indicates significant disparities between laboratory and test range results and actual tactical deployment.” That’s military speak for: “it doesn’t work like it’s supposed to.”

Black believes that a system like Iron Dome could succeed where others have failed. “Now we have a convergence of enabling technologies, including energy generation and storage, miniaturization of components, and, importantly, big advances in targeting,” he says.

Neice agrees. “We are now able to leverage fiber and electric lasers from the commercial marketplace, developed for cutting and welding,” he says. “The difference is that they are focusing the lasers on an object millimeters away, we focus on something kilometers away.”

A laser defense system would be a historic first and form the template for American laser programs. These could defend bases and warships abroad or provide homeland security against terrorist drone attacks.

“If Israel successfully deploys Iron Beam, they will help iron out the kinks in the technology and give a proof-of-concept,” Black explains.

Neice says that Israel is not more technically advanced in lasers, but Iron Beam deployment will provide essential data about the practicalities of real-world operation such as maintenance, repairs, and the supply chain needed to keep the lasers working. Unlike other allies, Israel might use the laser on a regular basis.

“One would assume this is a capability they would be anxious to use, and that they will share information about that use with the U.S.,” Neice says.

Both Black and Neice note a successful program would pave the way in non-technical aspects such as training, doctrine, and integration with other systems.

As well as providing Israel with an unbeatable shield, Iron Beam could also provide the missing pieces for a successful American laser defense system. Both countries could then offer systems for export to protect allies.

“If Israel can get this right, it will be win-win-win for everyone,” Black says.





מדינת ישראל
Medīnat Yisrā'el
دولة إسرائيل

Dawlat Isrā'īl

State of Israel

Flag of Israel

Coat of arms of Israel


Coat of arms

Motto: none

Anthem: Hatikvah

Location of Israel


31°47′N 35°13′E

Largest city


Official language(s)

Hebrew, Arabic


Parliamentary democracy

 - President

Moshe Katsav

 - Prime Minister

Ehud Olmert


From the UK 

 - Declaration

14 May 1948 (05 Iyar 5708) 



 - Total

22,145 km² (149th)


8,019 sq mi 

 - Water (%)




 - May 2006 est.

7,026,0001 (99th)

 - 1995 census


 - Density

304/km² (18th)
787/sq mi 


2005 estimate

 - Total

$163.45 billion (53rd)

 - Per capita

$23,416 (28th)

HDI (2003)

0.915 (23rd) – high


New Israeli sheqel (ILS)

Time zone


 - Summer (DST)


Internet TLD


Calling code







The name "Israel" is rooted in the Hebrew Bible, where Jacob is renamed Israel after wrestling with a mysterious adversary. The biblical nation fathered by Jacob was then called "The Children of Israel" or the "Israelites". Citizens of the modern State of Israel are referred to, in English, as "Israelis".


In an interlinear, literal translation of Genesis 32:28, the first mention of the word "Israel" in the Bible reads as follows: "And-he-is-saying not Jacob he-shall-be-said further name-of-you but rather Israel that you-are-upright with Elohim and with mortals and-you-are-prevailing." Thus one literal translation of ישראל, Israel, is "Upright (with) God" (ישר-אל; Ishr-al).





Historical roots


The earliest known mention of the name 'Israel', probably referring to a group of people rather than to a place, is the Egyptian Merneptah Stele dated to about 1211 BCE.  For over 3,000 years, Jews have regarded the Land of Israel as their homeland, both as a Holy Land and as a Promised land. The land of Israel holds a special place in Jewish religious obligations, encompassing Judaism's most important sites — including the remains of the First and Second Temples, as well as the rites concerning those temples. Starting around 1200 BCE, a series of Jewish kingdoms and states existed intermittently in the region for more than a millennium.


Under Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, and (briefly) Sassanian rule, Jewish presence in the province dwindled due to mass expulsions. In particular, the failure of the Bar Kochba Revolt against the Roman Empire resulted in the large-scale expulsion of Jews. It was during this time that the Romans gave the name Syria Palaestina to the geographic area, in an attempt to erase Jewish ties to the land. The Mishnah and Jerusalem Talmud, two of Judaism's most important religious texts, were composed in the region during this period. The Muslims conquered the land from the Byzantine Empire in 638 CE. The area was ruled by various Muslim states (interrupted by the rule of the Crusaders) before becoming part of the Ottoman Empire in 1517.






Frank Kruschandl

7 Spring Close

Wish Hill


BN20 9HD


Nancy Pelosi

Speaker Elect

House pf Representatives                                                     Airmail Recorded 

United State Congress

Capitol Hill

Washington DC  USA                                                             4 December 06


Dear Ms Pelosi


Middle East Woes - IRAQ - PALESTINE (part 3)

** US Policy could lead to Nuclear War Iran/Israel


IRAQ : Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is viewed by the US as a 24 carat upholder of democracy. In reality he is afflicted by a maelstrom of emotions - like the majority of Iraqis. The Kurds, themselves mostly Sunni, are consumed by their recently found Freedom and a de facto Homeland of their own. Achieved by Saddams downfall.  Well done the US and the Coalition!  Residually, Iraq comprises Sunnis - former Masters of Iraq abd Shi'ites their former vassals.  The sects simply loathe one another.


Democracy - the shoe to fit all - fits no-one in particular!  A subtle acquiescing in Shia militia murder and mayhem, on the part of Houri al-Maliki, has become exacerbated in that the reisn have redically 'slipped' in respect of imported terrorism.  Sunnis, numerically inferior, reciprocally follow the sectarian path.  Their concerns being Survival - Retaliation in a holding of their position - the equitable distribution of Oil Revenue.  This last notably absent from the area of their predominance.  It is therefore wholly illogical for such disparate groups to be collectively wedded to Democracy.  The Kurds are relatively insulated.  Keeping a 'watching brief' in protection of their Homeland interests.  Sharp eyes watch the (southern) Sunni/Shi'ite fiasco.  Razor sharp where outsiders are concerned, eg. the coalition but particularly Iran.


Autonomous Sates - is surely the realistic solution - held together within a Federation of States. External defence could be guaranteed by the US - Coalition - UN - NATO.  Such posture would keep the foxes from the chickens.  Proceeds from Oil Revenue to be shared upon a percapita basis.  The States being responsible for their use.  Each State with its own police force and armed military Detachments.  Maintaining Security and eliminating Terrorism.


PALESTINE : Fused for a future Nuclear War starting with Iran/Israel.  Israeli 'special status'  supported by the US in their monopoly on power must end!  Equal treatment + financing should become endemic!  External defence guaranteed to Israelis and Palestinians - after a style set out viz Iraq in the foregoing.  It is the absence of impartiality which is the Road Block (forget the road map) which encourages abuse. Palestinians are hungry - not the Israelis!


Sincerely yours




Frank Kruschandl



[The above views are not necessarily those of the website owners, but are the views of the writer concerned - Please address all comments accordingly]




Israel: thoughts for the future - independent comment









General information


BBC News Country Profile - Israel and Palestinian Territories

Jewish Virtual Library Israel articles including information on history, economics, and military issues. (From the American-Israel Cooperative Enterprise, an Israel-advocacy group)

CIA World Factbook - Israel

Encyclopaedia Britannica, Israel - Country Page

US State Department - Israel includes Background Notes, Country Study and major reports

Columbia University Libraries - Israel directory category of the WWW-VL

Israel Lexicon, ynet news includes definitions of people, events and terms related to Israel

Open Directory Project - Israel directory category

SABRAnet - Where Israel comes alive on the Internet

Yahoo! - Israel directory category





Government Portal of Israel

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel

The President of the state of Israel

Prime Minister's Office

Bureau of Statistics

Israel Defence Force site

Israel Security Fence Project - The Israeli Special Forces Database

Religion and State in Israel: a Discussion a three-way discussion between Anat Hoffman (executive director, Israel Religious Action Center), Professor Steven Mazie (author of Israel's Higher Law: Religion and Liberal Democracy in the Jewish State) and Rabbi Avi Shafran (director of public affairs, Agudath Israel of America)





Resources > Modern Period > 20th Cent. > History of Israel > State of Israel The Jewish History Resource Center, Project of the Dinur Center for Research in Jewish History, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

The birth of Israel from the BBC

Israel Museum, Jerusalem

Historical documents from the Israeli Ministry of Public Affairs

Authentic historical Recordings - UN Partition Vote of 1947, Arab Rejection, "First" Hatikva, David Ben-Gurion - On Independence, Arab Countdown to Six Day War, Moshe Dayan - Six Day War, Gen. Ariel Sharon - "Move forward!", Nasser's Infamous Phonecall, Gen. Yitzhak Rabin - Six Day War, Abba Eban's "Stalingrad" Speech



Foreign relations and the current conflicts


Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Israel21c: A focus beyond the conflict

India-Israeli Relations: The Imperatives for Enhanced Strategic Cooperation

Le Monde diplomatique report on EU-Israeli relations

European Union's relations with Israel

US-Israeli Relations from the Jewish Virtual Library.

Primary Source Documents for Israeli-Palestinian Conflict History



The Knesset (Parliament)


The Knesset (Parliament)



Legislation and the Legal System


The Courts

Basic Laws, legal code of Israel

Israeli Commercial, Banking, Tort and Insurance Laws - in English

"You Say You Want a Constitution", New York Times Op-Ed piece by Professor Steven V. Mazie

"Changing Israel's Marriage Law" Jewish Week Opinion piece by Professor Steven V. Mazie



Economy, science, and technology


Standard and Poor's Israel Economic Information

DUNS 100, the hundred largest companies in Israel

Israel Science and Technology Homepage

Translation of Israeli Laws to English

IsraCast: Science and Technology News From Israel - Updated Weekly (English)

Israel economy and business parameters Israel key Data on Israeli Taxes, Income Tax, Tax Rates in Israel.

100 Top Israeli LecturersSenior Media comentators, journalists, novelists, politicians and other Lecturers from Israel





Israel Women's Network

Gay Middle East - Israel section

Israeli Arabs and Israeli Society, discussion with Ori Nir, correspondent for Haaretz and the Forward.

Freedom of Religion in Israeli Society and Politics by Prof. Shimon Shetreet, former minister of Religious Affairs.

Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam the Oasis of Peace, an experimental Arab-Jewish cooperative village.

Israel Movement for Progressive Judaism, Reform Judaism in Israel

The Guardian - Worlds apart






DOOMSDAY OPERATION GRAND SLAM - Disillusioned extremists in Iran, North Korea and Russia, have grown impatient waiting for their leaders to act decisively, having watched the Ukraine debacle of Vladimir Putin rebound to weaken their CRINK axis members. This despite Hamas launching against Israel and Houthi attacks on the Red Sea. All that had the effect of waking the sleeping giant: NATO. They hatch a plot to kidnap top politicians from the west to create confusion, as a prelude to an all out cyber nuclear first and second strike, having first stockpiled sufficient gold and weapons reserves, and fallout bunkers for their cells, to be able to stage a second wave of conventional attacks, to in effect, take over the world after the nuclear holocaust they have engineered. Including assassinating their jaded leaders: Xi Jinping; Vladimir Putin, Iranian Grand Ayatollah, Ali Khamenei, and Kim Jong Un, supreme leader of communist North Korea.



DOOMSDAY OPERATION GRAND SLAM - Disillusioned extremists in Iran, North Korea and Russia, have grown impatient waiting for their leaders to act decisively, having watched the Ukraine debacle of Vladimir Putin rebound to weaken their CRINK axis members. This despite Hamas launching against Israel and Houthi attacks on the Red Sea. All that had the effect of waking the sleeping giant: NATO.


They hatch a plot to kidnap top politicians from the west to create confusion, as a prelude to an all out cyber nuclear first and second strike, having first stockpiled sufficient gold and weapons reserves, and fallout bunkers for their cells, to be able to stage a second wave of conventional attacks, to in effect, take over the world after the nuclear holocaust they have engineered. Including assassinating their jaded leaders: Xi Jinping; Vladimir Putin, Iranian Grand Ayatollah, Ali Khamenei, and Kim Jong Un, supreme leader of communist North Korea.











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